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It was so wonderful to discover how close I was to the start of a Pocket of Cosmic Kindness – especially when you explained how rare and precious this chance is. And, though the good news made the bad news hit harder, I trust your judgment.

If you say there’s a way through this using an Intercession, I believe you. I know that I can still have the Pocket phase you saw in those astral visions (before they rewound!).

I also know that you’ll give everything you have to shield me from the parasitic creature attempting to knock things off course. You never let me down. You show up for me. Thanks for paying attention to that first letter you received – and for continuing to work in my best interests ever since. Thanks, too, for the additional Tarot Reading offering. 

Elissa, I give you my full consent to complete this Intercession on my behalf. I’ll wait happily for word that it’s done, then complete the acceptance process according to your instructions. I’ll do all I must to awaken your protection and enjoy my Pocket.

Please complete my Psychic Protection Intercession as soon as possible, then send my Intercession acceptance instructions straight to my email inbox.

Please also send my FREE gift (my Pocket Tarot Reading).

For all your hard work and effort, I’ll happily pay you the small fee of , an incredible reduction from the usual price of .

Thanks to your 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, I know I won’t be taking any risks with my money.

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