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Every chance to help you is a blessing


You have such innate goodness and impressive potential – and I’m delighted that the route has been cleared for your imminent life elevation. 

We’ll begin today by concluding the Destruction…


As I’ve explained throughout this conversation, the Psycho-Spiritual Blockade Destruction is a two-person job. It’s no small feat, especially when the Blockade is such a powerful use of mystic magic.

Thankfully, I’m pleased to report that my part in the Destruction is done. 

I’ve done all the preparatory and psychic work I had to do, preparing a space in the spiritual world for you to tie up the loose ends and conclude the Destruction (according to my instructions).

I’ve also energetically cleansed and awakened this magnetized image of the Diamond of Wicked Deconstruction…

You may sense its pulsing purity and intense inner want to seek out and eviscerate evil – I know I can, from the image alone. 

Here’s what you need to do next:

  1. Print out your Diamond image or pull it up on the screen of a portable device.
  2. Hold the Diamond image out in front of your chest, one hand clasping each side, as you might hold an actual, physical shield without a handhold on the back. 
  3. Close your eyes and imagine its physical presence coming to you. Feel the weight of it, huge and ever-so-strong in your hands.
  4. Whisper: “I call to action that which my mystic mentor hath set in motion.”
  5. Pause momentarily, then repeat this whispered sentence: “I call to action that which my mystic mentor hath set in motion.”
  6. Pause again, then say at your usual speaking volume: “Infallible Diamond, destroy what seeks to contain me.”
  7. Pause and repeat. 
  8. Pause and say, projecting your voice, getting a little louder: “Psycho-Spiritual Blockade, disintegrate to dust and dissipate to naught.”
  9. Pause and repeat.
  10. Slowly open your eyes. Turn the Diamond image to face you, still holding it in front of your chest. 
  11. Take it in, feel appreciation surge, and remain in this silent gaze until you feel ready to continue about your day. Until your soul KNOWS the Destruction has been done.

That’s all that remains to be done to vanquish your opponent,        and to send a message to similarly jealous people on the periphery of your life!

Get to work on those 11 steps as soon as possible – so you can shift your focus to your Fated Occurrences soon…


So much is headed your way in the next eight weeks if you can complete the Destruction before your limited, blockaded status affects your “Fated Occurrences”AKA earned positive interventions from destiny. 

Spanning the next eight weeks, look out for…

Fated Occurrence Timeframe

Fated Occurrence Description

Seven to nine days from today

The first Fated Occurrence takes the shape of a significant and unexpected financial windfall – you don’t need to do much in preparation as this wealth is designed to find you as you go about your usual life and routines. Stick to these and keep your eyes open.

Around two and a half weeks from today

This Fated Occurrence is a chance to deepen a friendship that has become relatively shallow with time and adult responsibilities. An opportunity to connect about some things that really matter. Be there when the moment of need arises, and know that a richer bond will be your reward for offering support at the perfect time. 

Exactly five weeks from today

This Fated Occurrence is romantic. I can’t divine its exact shape – but I know it’s a potent chance to spice things up. Stepping outside your comfort zone with your lover will lead you to this moment, which, while not essential, will be highly enjoyable. 

45 to 48 days from today

Your fourth Fated Occurrence is another windfall, smaller than the first but still significant. It will be harder to seize than the first, but not impossible if you remember that generosity breeds generosity. Let your open-hearted, charitable nature shine through, and reap your deserved rewards.

Exactly seven weeks and one day from today

This Occurrence is simply a luck uptick. A day on which your chance at winning money games is near-doubled, and thus a day on which you should definitely consider getting stuck into some if you feel comfortable doing so.

50 to 54 days from today

This last Fated Occurrence will offer you the chance to solidify a particular social group and reach a state of collective harmony through one or two magical days of companionship. You long to be understood deeply, and if you’re willing to fulfill that longing in others during this timeframe, that’s precisely what you’ll experience in return. 

That’s your Outline,        . Hopefully, it’ll make the chance of you missing any of these Occurrences incredibly low!

Don’t forget your final FREE gift before you go…


As I explained, my friend, these Affirmations were chosen as an accompaniment “to keep your motivation and confidence high as you progress and return to your path of significant elevation.”

When we feel bold, brave and connected to our inner selves, we attain more and approach life with a robust and unshakeable foundation. 

That’s what I want for you. 

That’s what these Higher Path Affirmations can do…


Daily Morning Affirmation (Speak in the mirror each morning, talking directly to your reflection)

“I move through this life as a blessing on Earth,

Unburdened by doubt, in step with my worth,

I know what I give, what I am, what I could be, 

I grow with every freshly seized opportunity, 

There’s nobody else who could take my place,

Nothing but gleaming brilliance in my face.

Daily Morning Affirmation (Speak in bed each night, eyes closed, before you drift into sleep)

Through this day, I have done all that I could, 

To the table, I have delivered nothing but good, 

Now, I rest easy – known, cherished and loved,

Now, I remind myself – who I am is more than enough,

A new day begins soon, new challenges await,

But for the moment, I rest and rejuvenate.”

Work Week Conclusion Affirmation (Speak to your two face-up palms, visually tracing the lines)

“Another stretch of striving time ended, 

And I, at the finish line, ever undaunted,

I know I’ve been golden, and good, and kind, 

I know I’ve shared the strength of my mind, 

I pause now to seek the peace I have earned,

Knowing, quite calmly, that I shall soon return.”

Creating and abiding by this sort of in-depth affirmation practice isn’t easy, and it won’t feel automatic to you for weeks to come… But I’d encourage you to try your best to turn it into a habit you tick off without much thought. 

Stick at it, even when it’s tough. 

The best way to keep walking your Higher Path is to know, every single day, that you are worthy. Nobody should be a more prominent advocate for you than YOU.

Your loving friend,