I’m so glad we’ve made the most of the October annular solar eclipse. You really did need these Rites, and I’m thankful you could see it, too
As you should know by now, five Rites comprise the Restart Rites of the Annular Solar Eclipse. They should be completed, in succession, as close to the annular solar eclipse as possible. (This way, they’ll benefit from as much solar energy as possible.)
(NOTE: Please complete these Rites in the order they have been listed, beginning with Learning and ending with Sealing.)
Here are your Rites, …
Your Rite of Learning
Before you sit down to complete this Rite, prepare a list of five regrets/mistakes/sorrows that weigh heavy on your mind when you think of the past. With daylight touching your skin, sit cross-legged on the floor in a quiet room. Leave the list you made folded in your lap as you speak.
“I step back into my history with an open, non-judgmental heart,
I walk through these regretful moments from the finish to the start,
In the light of the Sun, for each, I ask: ‘Is there more to you?’
Is there a greater sum to your individual parts than I once knew?
Who would I be without this moment? What did I learn from what went wrong?
And if this moment had never happened, would I sing a very different song?
I can choose to wallow, weighed down by the roads I did not take,
Or I can choose to see the teachings – present even in the heartache.”
Your Rite of Healing
Create some mental space between Rites one and two by engaging in a simple activity you enjoy – drinking a cup of coffee, doing a crossword, etc. – something small but decompressing. Then, return to your cross-legged position to speak the Rite of Healing.
“And what of the moments that teach nothing at all?
Is it time to let their hold on me fade and fall?
I forgive versions of people who no longer exist,
I stop allowing feelings of anger to persist,
In the same way, I set myself free of shame,
I leave my old guilt in my younger days,
It’s time to reduce the space my past can occupy,
In the expansive storage closet of my present life,
It’s time to heal from what came before,
To open a window by firmly closing a door.”
Your Rite of Hoping
Shift your cross-legged position into a kneeling position and bring your palms together in a gesture of hopeful prayer. Know, as you speak, that you are praying to yourself, begging the deepest parts of you to hear.
“Too long, I’ve been afraid,
Defined by fear of my own dreams,
Scared to wish for better,
Too guarded to let my hope be seen,
But I want so much in life,
I want more than I can explain,
And I’m ready now,
To let these goals out of my brain,
I pledge to make my dreams real,
To speak my many hopes alive,
This shift in mindset is overdue,
Never again will my optimism hide.”
Your Rite of Feeling
Pause your Rite progress to gather from around the home five objects that make you happy/represent emotional fulfillment to you. Tear your list from the Rite of Learning into five pieces, and place a piece under each chosen object. Line them up in a row, sit in front of them, look right at them, and speak.
“Let the Sun shine light on the places inside,
Hidden from view but still buzzing with life,
Let me know, in my heart, what I need and do not,
What I’d change and what I wouldn’t about what I’ve already got,
Every person’s dream life is distinct and unique,
Show me the things that I most desperately need,
Let my soul tell me where I should direct myself next,
(Now that I am not led or influenced by regret,)
And let me know, like simple math, who I need next to me,
My soulmate, beside whom I want always to sleep.”
Your Rite of Sealing
Slip each piece of the first Rite’s list out from under your five chosen objects for the fourth Rite. Place these pieces of paper in a glass of water and sit, watching them dissolve, as you speak this final Rite of Sealing.
“I want to chase what makes my heart shine,
I never want to be defined by what I hate,
I’ll change what I can and what I must,
Doing all that’s in my power to reach my dream state,
I choose to carry forward only what I need,
To make peace with what I do not and let go,
There’s always room to sit and remember,
But regret will never make the garden grow,
There are so many places I’ve been in this life,
But there are many more I still long to see,
The leaf is turning, things are changing,
In the future, I know who I plan to be.
Those were your Restart Rites, . As promised, please also find your FREE Healthy Habits Tracker right here…
A good habit practice can make every day feel purposeful, and as I’ve already explained, there’s no better time to begin than amid a broader fresh start.
As promised, here is your Healthy Habits Tracker – you can download it and print out a fresh page each month, filling in a circle on each day that you remember to indulge in the corresponding habit:
Every one of these habits could improve the overall structure and success of your life. Thus, they are all worth trying to implement if possible.
An important habit-tracking reminder as you embark on this journey: You are not a failure if you can’t do everything on your Tracker daily. You are human. You are not infallible, and you are not supposed to be.
View every new day as a new chance to fill that circle, and don’t hold on to the circles you couldn’t fill for one reason or another. Love yourself, first and foremost.
And enjoy your fresh start, aided by this Tracker but made possible by those five wonderful Rites…
Your loving friend,