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Congratulations. Halloween 2024 is officially a turning point! You didn’t have long to make your claim, but you DID IT, and a wealth of ghostly wisdom will soon be yours.
I’ll get to work on your Revelatory Augury of All Hallows’ Eve right away, and I’ll send the completed reading to your inbox within the next two days.
I’ll also send your FREE gift (your Halloween Treat Magnet), as promised.
, I’ve already spoken to you about the slim possibility of intervention from evil spirits.
I told you, “The great majority of spirits linger to serve as benevolent guiding forces for those of us who are still working through life. Sure, some ghosts are bitter, evil and twisted entities – caricatures to match the modern idea of Halloween – but those are in the absolute minority.”
And I explained how your Treat Magnet would reduce the already low chance of a trick from an evil spirit.
But if you have any lingering concerns?
I’ll happily send you a “Dark Spirit Shield Spell” for just .
Yes, most ghosts and lingering spirits are loving – but darkness indeed lurks at the edges of All Hallows’ Eve and the surrounding days. When that veil we’ve discussed so much thins, the reach of evil extends along with the reach of insight from the beyond.
This Spell will fully protect you from less savory spirits while they’re at their strongest, going a step further than the Treat Magnet.
It will TOTALLY remove the possibility of evil intervention at a time when you should be focused on the answers provided by the Augury.
If that sounds good, you know what to do.
Your loving friend,