As you know, you’re completing this Seven-Day Journey of Nature Adoration for two core reasons
The first is that a connection with nature is essential to any whole and happy life.
The second is that if you can repair your natural bond, you can claim a tremendous amount of luck from the cosmic universe.
Right now, that luck is waiting for you, held back from rushing into your life. But as soon as the Journey’s done? It will be yours. More yours than you can imagine.
Here’s everything you need to know…
Before we dive headfirst into the ocean that is this life-changing, nature-focused journey, I want to explain the structure and go over the important salient points.
As I’ve told you before, these expeditions must be completed on seven consecutive days.
They also must all be completed during daylight hours and ideally alone (without the help of a friend or loved one).
If you can memorize each day’s mantra, that would be ideal, but if that’s not possible, don’t worry – the Journey will still work, you’ll just have to remember to write down the mantra and take it with you on your expedition.
The order is as follows (and yes, the expeditions DO need to happen in this specific order):
- The Life-Giving Running Water
- The View from the Mountaintop
- The Green, Green Grass
- The Nourishing Soil Below
- The Secrets Beneath the City
- The Burning Flame
- The Ever-Changing Weather
Let’s start, as we need to, at the beginning…
Day One: The Life-Giving Running Water
You will need to find a source of running water, either a river or a stream, that you can walk alongside. The closer to your local area, the better.
You should walk the stream’s path and consider the incredible fact that it has cut its route through the land to bring a life-giving resource to a new location. You should feel grateful. Then, when the time feels right, you should pause.
You should take off your shoes and socks, dip your feet into the cool running water and recite the following Mantra of Natural Adoration:
To soothe, to rush, to pour,
Abundance is all yours,
Deep love in my heart for the river,
Always moving, ever a giver.
Day Two: The View from the Mountaintop
You will need to visit a mountain in your area. If there are no mountains easily accessible to you, a large hill will work well. The key is that you climb to the top, and at the top, you sit down and take a few minutes to genuinely appreciate the view.
See the world from up above. See nature sprawling on, touching artificial constructions but always keeping hold of its vital place. Then recite, with a loving heart, the following Mantra of Natural Adoration:
I survey the land from a high-up perch,
I see the ever-growing earth,
How wonderful to climb so high,
And see things through the gentle mountain’s eyes.
Day Three: The Green, Green Grass
You will need to visit a park or natural site in your area with a large amount of grass. Your garden, if relatively large, would also work.
Barefoot, you must walk across the grass until you genuinely feel connected with every soft green blade. If this means walking from one end of the grass to the other and then back again, that’s okay.
When that moment of connection comes, reach down and press your palms into the grass as well. Then, recite the following Mantra of Natural Adoration:
Your soft natural blanket under my feet,
The knoll, the lawn, the beautiful green,
Contained or wild, my love remains,
You can be so different, yet always the same.
Day Four: The Nourishing Soil Below
You will need to visit a wooded area or forest. You’re looking to chase the scent of soil and earth. Of the raw materials that create a safe breeding ground for so many flora and fauna species. It might be a longer walk, taking in your surroundings as much as possible.
Take a pause when you find a welcoming patch of soil and place your two index fingertips against it, reciting with appreciative energy the following Mantra of Natural Adoration:
Life source to the world,
More precious than pearls,
You give so much great and beautiful life,
I see that with my own two eyes.
Day Five: The Secrets Beneath the City
You will need to visit a populated and built-up area and take a walk. As you do, you should wear earphones/headphones and listen to nature sounds. You should think about the strange fact that even in the most industrial place, nature lives.
Nature hides beneath the surface, holding everything together. Even when society forgets her, mother nature does not forget society.
Find a spot of nature peering through – even a weed in a paving crack will do – and gaze directly at it as you repeat the following Mantra of Natural Adoration:
Perseverance, ever-present,
Always you are a slice of heaven,
Between the cinder, cold and grey,
Nature always finds a way.
Day Six: The Burning Flame
You will need to take a simple walk in any local nature, connected area for this expedition, but with you, you’ll need a tealight and some matches. When you begin to feel tired and ready to rest during your walk, find a secluded spot to sit down.
Place your tealight in front of you, light it with the matches, gaze into the flickering, mesmerizing flame and repeat the following Mantra of Natural Adoration:
The heat of you astounds,
You warm and raze the ground,
Your power, I revere,
But I’m also blessed to have you near.
Day Seven: The Ever-Changing Weather
You will need patience for this expedition, the final walk of the week. It might be your longest. Essentially, you will need to be walking out in nature until the moment at which the weather changes.
That might mean the sun turning to rain or cloud cover fading into blue sky. It might even mean waiting for the sunset. When the weather change comes, the time will also come to speak your final Mantra of Natural Adoration:
How wonderful to know,
I am always on my toes,
This ever-changing weather is a dream,
Like every piece of nature I have seen.
That will conclude your Seven-Day Journey of Nature Adoration, . Your bond with mother nature will be fully restored by the time this special period comes to a close, and you’ll finally be able to access all your hard-earned cosmic luck.
Now, as promised, here’s the FREE Quarterly Cosmic Fortune Rundown that will allow you to access as much of that luck as possible…
As promised, your Rundown for your next life quarter contains:
- Lucky numbers
- Lucky dates
- Unlucky dates
Here it is…
In… | Month One: | Month Two: | Month One: | Month One: |
Your lucky numbers will be… |
Your lucky dates will be… |
Your unlucky dates will be… |
With that, I’ve given you more than enough to step into a super-lucky phase and make the most of it.
Just remember to make room in your daily life to love and appreciate nature, my friend, as I don’t want us to be here again. And I’m sure you feel the same.
A few lovely, appreciation-filled walks a week will be enough to maintain that close connection. It’s easy to become busy and distracted, but it’s also good for your overall mental health to be able to take that time away. We’ll speak soon…
Your loving friend,