Yay! I’m so happy to be writing this to you
I’m sitting down to do so almost immediately after the completion of your Stellar Purification Rite – I just couldn’t wait to give you the good news.
So, here it is: It all went incredibly well, and I can safely say that there’s not a single particle of lingering darkness in your home.
Of course, you might still be carrying some negativity or sadness on your person. That’s natural and human.
But I’m hopeful that you’ll be able to sort through those personal feelings more easily now, knowing that your home is once again a safe and comforting space.
I won’t get into the specifics of what I did for you during the Rite – it required some complex cosmic magic and incantation, and I’m not sure where I’d even start with explaining it to you – but I will say that it was challenging at times.
Arduous, spiritually tiring and tough.
But worth it? Yes. Of course.
It’s always worth it to protect my clients, but especially when they are as wonderful and worthy as you are.
Now that the darkness has been battled out of the picture, let’s move on to those two FREE gifts I promised you. Starting with the Emerald that will safeguard you from here on out…
I filled this Emerald with protection and guardianship myself, so I know it’s up to the job.
All you need to do in order to start benefitting from the Emerald is follow these acceptance instructions…
- Print out the Emerald or have it ready to view on a portable screen (phone, tablet, laptop, etc.).
- Take the Emerald to your favorite place in your home, and sit down on the floor with it in your lap.
- Close your eyes, and press both of your palms to the Emerald. Do some deep breathing and focus in, attempting to reach a meditative and peaceful state. A place where other thoughts are pushed aside and forgotten.
- When you feel confident you’re in that place (don’t rush, there’s no time limit), sit up as straight as you can, draw breath into your lungs and say, with a declarative and firm tone: I accept the glistening strength beneath my palms.
- Breathe out, folding into yourself as you do, and then breath in again, sitting up. Say: May this concentrated source of guardianship banish darkness from my abode.
- Breath out once again, and lean down to press your forehead to the Emerald, too. Remain in that position for a few minutes, closely connected, thinking of nothing else (or trying your best to, at the very least).
- When you feel ready, sit up, remove your palms from the Emerald and complete the ritual of acceptance by placing it somewhere safe and secret within your home.
Once you’ve accepted the Concentrated Emerald of Protection’s support, you must simply keep the Emerald hidden somewhere in your home at all times.
A tip for maximizing its effectiveness: Keep it as close to the center of the home as you can. (For instance, if you live in a two-story house, a perfect hiding place would be atop a tall bookcase on the lower floor.)
Now, here is your second FREE gift – a do-over on the tarot reading that first set all of this in motion…
As you know, this reading is conducted using your subconscious mind. It’s drawn exactly as you would draw…
Card Number One: Six of Cups, Upright
The Six of Cups, upright. What a beautiful beginning to this Updated Future Focus Tarot Reading.
This card represents good memories and strong bonds, but it also represents healing fractures and situations being slowly but surely repaired.
In this case, the thing being repaired is almost certainly you, . You’ve been down lately, and negativity has plagued you to the point that it managed to settle into your home before we banished it.
But the Six of Cups tells us, happily, that this darkness won’t last. It won’t stay with you forever.
Instead, you’ll soon begin to heal. You’ll lean on your loved ones and remember the good times, and before you know it’s even happening, the good times will be right here, right now.
Card Number Two: Eight of Swords, Reversed
As you progress on your journey of healing, , the second card in your draw tells us that you’ll find a new appreciation for yourself. What a wonderful gift.
The Eight of Swords, when reversed, is all about seeing things in a different light and coming to self-acceptance. And that’s exactly what you’re about to do. It’s like when you return home from a long, long trip away, I think…
You suddenly see your home differently because you haven’t been in it for a while, and it’s overwhelmingly relaxing to be back.
You haven’t been your happiest self for a while now, . But you can get back.
And when you do, the hello again you share will burn bright with love and appreciation.
Card Number Three: The Lovers, Upright
Finally, we end this reading on The Lovers, upright.
The Lovers is a very famous card among the arcana, so you likely know already that it represents union, connection and strong partnership.
In your case, I think The Lovers takes on an even more symbolic and strong meaning. As you know, your previous reading spoke of an encroaching depression, spurred on by the sadness-clouded decision to isolate yourself from others.
But now?
Now, the endpoint is the very thing that drove you to true sorrow in your alternative timeline.
In healing yourself and knowing yourself more deeply, , I think you’ll come to let people in more deeply, too. To trust and love them.
That was your Updated Future Focus Tarot Reading.
I don’t know about you, , but I think that’s a far preferable reading to the previous draw that you ended up with using this deck.
It speaks to great things ahead, and now you know what’s coming, you’ll be even better equipped to deal with it when it does.
Know I’ll be rooting for you every step of the way, both in your immediate future and long beyond it. And know I’m always here for you when negativity raises its ugly head and tries to stall your progress in life.
Your loving friend,