I’m pleased to tell you that I was successfully able to inhabit your soul on the spiritual plane, completing this Tasseographic Future Analysis as if I WERE you…
I held the cup handle to my heart.
I asked: What will get where needs to go?
I utilized my Tasseographic Key.
Here’s every shape I divined, along with the indicated context based on location in the cup…
FLOCK OF BIRDS (Personal Life)
I found the shape of a flying three-bird flock near the cup handle. This represents two overlapping truths about your personal life.
Truth one: The flock of birds. You have your best ideas when you let your strengths work together, e.g., creativity and attention to detail. This is also when you’re most fulfilled. You can’t be one thing all the time. You need room for variety.
Truth two: The flying birds. You can’t let your wings be clipped. You can’t live in confinement. You were meant to soar, constantly attain new heights, and be free and uncaged. You’ll never find peace in limitations set by someone else.
SHRUB (Personal Life)
Alongside the flock is the apparent shape of a sculpted shrub or bush. In tasseography, a shrub represents the importance of socializing, community and collective spirit.
Quite simply, you’ll never find personal fulfillment in isolation. Whether it’s a goal you achieve two weeks or two years from now, you must actively invest in sociability. You must cement strong relationships with people you can genuinely rely on.
APPLE (Professional Life)
Moving to the opposite side of the cup, I noticed the shape of an apple. The apple exemplifying your professional life is appropriate since it represents professional gain and healthy career longevity.
Just as you must nourish and cultivate an orchard to grow the best apples, you must nourish and cultivate your work life to create the best, most healthy and sustainable professional path. You must be willing to make investments NOW to enjoy gains LATER.
OWL (Recent Past)
Most of the shapes I divined in your cup were on the left, and we’ll get into those elements of your future in a second. First, we must see the Owl close to the rim, right of the handle. The Owl of sickness and reticence.
Historically, you have been reluctant to start new things. You’ve held back from making moves, confined by the “sickness” (AKA, weakness) of your own self-doubt. Be aware of this as the Analysis drives you forward. Learn to trust yourself once and for all.
ARIES, “THE RAM” (Immediate Future)
The symbol of The Ram – the Aries zodiac – was right below the rim on the cup’s left side. Aries embodies powerful emotions – passions, drives, yearnings, frustrations, etc.
In terms of what this means for the next three to six months of your life? Your luck and life elevation will give you more room than you once had to FEEL what you FEEL. Try not to run from that, even when the fire behind your emotions surprises you. Embrace intensity and see where it takes you.
These short dashes peppered the middle of the left side, suggesting you’ll enjoy plenty of exciting travel opportunities and excursions, alone and with loved ones, in the next six to 12 months.
They were dashes, though, rather than long lines – indicating that you’ll always return home after too long. You’re not moving away. Just enjoying the discovery of new locations and situations for fun.
Close to the base of the cup on the left, the shape of a chain length told me what to expect for you after this year has come and gone. The further-flung future is always challenging to pin down, but the chain symbolizes duty, responsibility, and consequence.
I think it’s telling you: Set things up right, take your new social/financial/professional capital seriously, and reap the rewards. Do the opposite and experience the unfortunate consequences. Responsibility NECESSARILY increases with influence.
That concludes the Analysis, comprising a comprehensive list of shapes within the cup of ceremonially brewed tea.
I’ll now share your two FREE gifts, as promised – beginning with your list of Fate-Bestowed Digits…
For the next six months (according to my calculations), these numbers will bring you luck and good fortune whenever they’re used or relied upon…
Note them down as soon as possible (actually, memorizing them would be the ideal course of action for your own future ease). Look out for them in various settings, from financial dealings at work to money games played for fun.
Have no doubt, in all of your interactions with these Digits, that they will serve you well. Each one shone so brightly in your astral sky that I couldn’t help but notice them.
Speaking of shining brightly? Enjoy your second and final FREE gift…
Here’s your Shungite Teardrop. As a gemstone, shungite is beloved for its peaceful, protective aura – and that’s undoubtedly what lies at the heart of this artifact.
Do you remember what I told you about the Teardrop when I first presented its existence?
“The Teardrop will allow you to balance your emotions effectively, even as your life changes around you.
The story of its creation, so they say, is that it was formed from the falling tears of a wizard’s lover. That it was made to protect her, in the future, from the stress and anxiety that had led her to that moment of weeping desperation.”
Now, its ownership falls to you. I’ve bonded the two of you together.
Please print out the fully aligned image of the Teardrop I’ve provided above and place it face-up in your lap during your meditation sessions.
(Store it somewhere safe and untouched between sessions.)
Its grounding, calming impact will double the efficacy of every meditative moment.
What could be more valuable to you, at a time when growth is the name of the game, than a tool that will protect your emotional health and allow for that growth to continue – on and on and on?
Your loving friend,