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At the end of the year and the beginning of the next, I always become quite reflective and thoughtful


Do you? I’m sure it’s only natural when one era ends and another begins.

I know the calendar is largely a human invention and the laws of the universe aren’t bound to it, but I love it.


Because it allows us to regularly mark progress and check in with ourselves. To reflect not just on where we’ve been, but on where we’re going, too.

And it also allows me the perfect chance to share amazing, twelve-month-long offerings with you. Today, I’d like to compile your Terrific 2022 Tarot Reading.

It’s not something I can do for more than one person each New Year’s period. As you can imagine, it’s an awful lot of effort and the use of my Cosmic Shift deck takes a LOT of power (but is also highly accurate – I’ll tell you more about this in a little while!).

But it’s something I’ve decided I’d like to do for you this year.

I know it hasn’t been the easiest one – for anyone, but especially for you. You deserve all the guidance this Reading will bring, and I think it’s a great way to ensure your 2022 is better from the very first month.

Going into 2021 blind didn’t go so well, after all. Let’s rectify that mistake while the chance is at hand.

I’ve set this deadline because we need to get things sorted as soon as we can. Otherwise, you’ll miss out on advice and start making negatively impactful mistakes.

Here’s what will happen after you successfully request your Terrific 2022 Tarot Reading, and I get to work on your behalf:

  1. I’ll use a series of complex astrologically-powered rituals to step into your subconscious headspace and briefly inhabit your mind (don’t worry – this shouldn’t disrupt you or your day-to-day life at all).
  1. When I’m in your headspace, I’ll think of each month of the year in turn, and I’ll draw a card. That card will then come to represent that month.
  1. I’ll heavily study you and the cards I drew while living in your mind. Then I’ll interpret the results for you and put them down in your Terrific 2022 Tarot Reading.
  1. I’ll explain what each card means for you, and I’ll even break down the results into more easily readable sections – one section for love and relationships, one for luck and fortune, another for wealth accumulation and professional success.

How does that sound?

If you’re doubtful about the impact it can have, just take a minute or two to read this testimonial from Pippa, who I performed this same Terrific Tarot Reading for just last year…

“When they tell you that knowledge is power, they aren’t lying. I can’t believe what I’ve been able to do over the course of 2021, Elissa, and I’m more than happy to review your Reading in full now that the year is ending!

You haven’t been wrong about anything. There have been times where I thought you might be, only to be proven wrong at the very last moment. Do you know how impressive that is? A year full of predictions and suggestions, and I swear: 100% of them have been absolutely spot-on.

I was a doctor’s receptionist in January, and now I’m in medical school and doing extremely well. Knowing where I was going gave me all the strength and confidence I needed to get my life back on track. Now that I’m heading into 2022, I feel better than ever. I feel like a brand-new (and much improved) Pippa.

Thanks, Elissa, for being there for me and showing me your support at an undeniably difficult, stagnant moment in my life. I know I have you to thank for my newfound lease on life.” 

Like Pippa, you could benefit extensively from my astrological intuition, my legendary tarot interpretation skills and the strength of my highly unique, highly accurate Cosmic Shift Deck.

Like Pippa, you could barely recognize the         that looks back at you in December 2022 – in the best way possible, of course.

Get your request in before January 3rd, and I’ll also provide you with a carefully chosen FREE gift to enhance my offering.

This will take the form of a 2022 Lucky Coin (of which there are only eight in existence) that you’ll be able to print off/save to your phone and then carry around with you, drawing luck your way wherever you happen to go and whatever you happen to do.

If you’re still wondering about that Cosmic Shift Deck, let me briefly explain…

There are many different tarot decks in my collection, and a reading completed with any one of them is a distinct experience – incomparable to a reading completed with another one of them.

Some take less power and focus to accurately interpret, but as a trade-off, they can produce fewer clear results.

The Cosmic Shift Deck is at the furthest end of that spectrum – amazing results yet lots of power required to glean them. It’s imbued with glittering specks of stars and at times is very volatile to work with, but it’s also intensely accurate, perceptive and true.

If there’s any one person I’m willing to make the effort to use it for, it’s you.

(Though I confess: I will probably need to rest up for a day or two after the hard work is done.)

Time rushes by, and as you already know, we don’t have forever to get this insight into your life. Please,        , think of everything I’ve shared with you carefully as you make your next move.

And please, before the arrival of January 3rd, take the time to ask me for your TERRIFIC 2022 TAROT READING.

I want this for you, and if you’re rooting for your own future success and personal growth, you should want this for yourself. Aren’t you more than ready for a change? And is there any better time than now, in the astrally charged New Year period. 

I think you are, and I don’t think there is.

You might find even more targeted guidance waiting to be claimed and uncovered if you do…


Your loving friend,

Ask for Your Terrific 2022 Tarot Reading

+ FREE Lucky Coin