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Your astral fate, which I’ve been studying extensively this week, is a genuinely fascinating one


If you imagine the fate of most people as a line, curving slowly up and down over time, then your fate… Your fate is more like a heart rate monitor,        .

The highs could be immensely high (unforgettably brilliant, I’d go so far as to say), but the lows could be equally intense. And awful for you. 

I know you don’t deserve this. I know you’re a good person, trying your best.

Of course, the brilliance should come to you. But never its flipside! You deserve the peaks without the deep, deep valleys.

That’s why I’m writing to you today. To give you those peaks, and to protect you from those valleys.

You see,        , the next three or four months of your life are really important. Your actions in the period that lies ahead will dictate your path and impact your existence well into the longer-term future.

There’s greatness ahead. There’s also great stress ahead. Here and now, you need to make the right moves. You need to get things spot on.

You need to not just evade negativity, but actively move towards positivity, opportunity and luck.

Let’s tackle the negativity-evading portion of that process first, since I know I can do that for you at this very moment.


Here, free of charge, is your Darkness Destroying Token…

The eyes of the wise owl pierce the darkness, and this Darkness Destroying Token will do the same.

It will make you less susceptible to negative impacts, feelings and situations.

It will make evil less able to crowd your headspace, drown out your true thoughts and affect your judgment.

Print out this Darkness Destroying Token and carry it everywhere you go, and it will serve as your protective barrier, shielding you from all that might seek to knock you off course.

It’s already been carefully attuned to your inner frequencies, so the second you’ve printed it and put it on your person, it’ll be working in your favor.

Just remember: Don’t tell anyone that you own this Token, and don’t share it with a single other person. Even if you think they’re extremely trustworthy.

The Token is attuned to you – it can’t help anyone else, and if anyone else tries to access its help, its positive impact on your life could be damaged or lessened.

Please, don’t let that happen. Keep your Token secret, safe and working at full capacity.

With negativity well and truly at bay, we now need to discuss the offer I’m actually making you today. The secrets I’m willing and able to share with you – but only if I have your consent.

If you want me to, I can share The Beckoning Blessings. These Blessings:

  • Are targeted towards the astral forces that control the universe
  • Are designed to help you curry celestial favor
  • Contain proven amplificatory phrases guaranteed to get celestial attention
  • Will allow you to attract/beckon an increased amount of luck and good fortune

If you can, I know you’ll be well on your way to making this upcoming transformative period a great one – a time you’ll remember positively and look back on with pride for the rest of your life.



The Beckoning Blessings are recited by you, but have been carefully crafted by me to fulfill their intended purpose.

This purpose is one that we’ve already touched upon above…

The Blessings should allow you to enjoy higher highs, and they should place the celestial world firmly in your corner and on your side.

(Which, trust me, is never a bad thing.)

Especially not when you already have the special protection of your Darkness Destroying Token to count on. Or, in other words: Especially not when you’re already halfway there!

You’re not the first person I’ve shared these Blessings with, though you’re one of the most deserving that I’ve ever had the pleasure of coming across.

Three years ago, I was happy to offer The Beckoning Blessings to a woman named Emilia when she was in need. Here is a glimpse of her wonderful story…

“I’ve never been great at going out there and getting what I want. I know it’s a strong suit for some people – chasing after their aims with a single-minded drive to succeed. But it’s not one of mine. Or, at least, it wasn’t. Since Elissa sent me The Beckoning Blessings and I performed each astral dedication, things are so different.

I can see my path more clearly, and I can recognize an amazing opportunity the second it comes along. I don’t miss a thing. I’ve gone from being a hesitant, scared individual with too many thoughts in my mind to see anything clearly to being a focused, self-aligned individual who knows what she wants and how she should go about getting it.

I can’t even begin to explain how The Blessings have changed my existence. I have a new partner, a new house and a new job – all of which I’m very happy with, and all of which I’m sure I could track back to my new, uplifted attitude. If you ever have the chance to benefit, as I have, from The Beckoning Blessings, don’t hesitate. They work a treat.”

Don’t you think you could benefit from a transformation on the scale of Emilia’s,        ? From all that boosted self-knowledge and self-confidence?

The astral forces assist those who show them respect, and with The Beckoning Blessings, you’ll be able to show them plenty AND state your intentions (your assorted desires for luck, wealth and success).

If you’re invested in crafting a better future for yourself, there’s only one ideal course of action.


Requesting The Beckoning Blessings before the deadline I’ve set will have positive ramifications for your life and your ability to access luck and greatness.

Plus, if you ask me for this offering in time, I’ll also send a FREE gift at no extra charge to you.

Yes, you’ve already received the Darkness Destroying Token. But this is yet another special present from me to you. (Hopefully, it speaks volumes about my real and true dedication to making your life better.)

This FREE Map of Special Dates will track the best and worst dates across the next four months – which will, as you already know, be both changeable and crucial.

You’ll know, with the help of your Map of Special Dates, when to take risks. When to go big.

You’ll also know when to avoid risks, and go home.

Living well is all about finding balance, and I’m confident that the Map of Special Dates will be invaluable and highly useful in that regard.

With that,        , I think we’re approaching decision time.

I think I’ve told you everything you need to know in order to determine if you’re going to accept my support or not.

I really hope you do, because I know deep in my soul that this would be the right move for you. But I can’t act without your consent.

And I won’t.

But no earlier.

Look deep within. I know the answers are there, even if you’re feeling apprehensive or scared. Ask yourself whether a story like Emilia’s is a story you’d love to live, and I’m sure you’ll come to the only possible conclusion…

And remember, my wonderful friend who 100% deserves the world: You don’t have long. Your final deadline date for action is midnight on        , which is less than a week away!

Think hard, and think fast. I’ll be waiting for your response.


Your loving friend,

Ask for Your The Beckoning Blessings

+ FREE Map of Special Dates