“Your protection is guaranteed, !”
I’m so glad you chose to accept my offer of aid, and so quickly! This is the beginning of an incredible and auspicious period of your life and you’ll remember it forever. The suffering and struggles you’ve been facing for so long are at an end, and now that I have performed a protection ritual for you, you will know your safety and feel it’s shield as you move through this great time.
It is my pleasure to tell you that things are moving for you, . Spiritual magic has already been put in place to ensure your protection, and now I’m glad to offer you The Golden Talisman of Fate.
The first thing you’ll want to do is print your talisman – or, if you’re unable to print, display it on your phone or desktop screen. You can consult it for the faith and strength it offers you at any point in the future, whenever you feel you need to.
Before that, however, it’s time for the instructions you need to perform The Seraphic Rite of Opulence. You will need:
- A white or blue candle of any size
- A blank sheet of paper
- A black pen
Before you begin, try to meditate or relax in some way. This rite will require a good deal of focus from you, and a cluttered mind can make that difficult indeed. Drink calming tea, take a bath or put in a quick nap if you need to! Whatever you can do to prepare yourself.
- This ritual must be performed on a Saturday night, between the hours of 7-10 pm. This is of great importance, as timing is always an extremely important aspect of any ritual of this type.
- When you begin, start by lighting the candle and placing it on a flat surface where you can stand/sit comfortably – like a kitchen table or desk.
- Place The Golden Talisman of Fate in front of you so it’s magic is close by.
- Once the candle is lit, write your greatest financial wish on the blank paper and focus on that desire as hard as you can. Imagine what accomplishing this wish would feel like, and focus on those emotions. Focus on the relief and joy you feel. Your emotions will ring true and help to focus the ritual.
- Repeat the following 10 times in your head, or out loud, as you please: “Fortune and Prosperity.” and stare deeply into the candles flames, almost letting it pull you in with it’s flickering beauty.
- Once you’ve completed your repetitions, (carefully) burn your wish, then blow out the candle. For safety purposes, you can burn the paper while the candle sits in a sink.
- This ritual should be repeated every Saturday night for 6 Saturdays.
- Each night, after you complete the ritual and are on your way to bed, visualize your wish again – the feeling of it’s success, the emotions you’ll have, the improvement of your quality of life. As you visualize it, repeat: “Michael’s mercy, shine on me. Gift me the wealth I deserve.”
- As you continue about your life, keep The Golden Talisman of Fate on hand, and have it close to you as often as possible so it can draw from your energy, and you, its.
It’s simple! And I am fully confident that you will perform the rite flawlessly, and you will indeed be rewarded as you’ve always deserved. I often get attached to my clients, and I am very fond of you – this is why I’ve taken so many extra steps to ensure you have success.
I act only in your best interest, to protect you and aid you against the many invisible and dark forces that swirl around us on a daily basis and seek to threaten our dreams and futures. That’s why, without hesitation, I performed a protective action – stronger luck, greater positivity, a safer aura. You are now safe and as you perform the Rite, you will become one with perpetual wealth. I wish you love, luck and success!
But a strange feeling overcame me as I performed the protection ritual.
Nothing went wrong, – I tell you this first as to not concern you overly. But something odd did occur that leads me to believe that finance isn’t the only problem you’re beleaguered with. Your happiness and your success could very well depend on it.
I write this now so I don’t waste any time on this issue – I have already seen your future, read your tarot, and felt deeply the struggles you have survived thus far. I know you will receive fortune, I know you will receive good luck – but there’s something else.
Luck and money are wonderful, I sense that there’s something else that needs resolving…and I think you can sense it too.
Have you felt imbalanced, without harmony? Can you feel daily stress building into chaos? I think you’ve not been completely happy with your life in more than just monetary regard – I think you feel without balance, without appreciation.
I can sense that you have spent a long time thinking about the setbacks you’ve had – betrayals, missed opportunities, being ignored and sometimes even taken advantage of by those you’ve trusted to aid you. You have suffered misfortune and bad luck and these many things have caused you suffering.
You’ve spent your whole life working hard, being kind and generous, only to find others of less scrupulous methods get ahead and it’s made you think: has it been worth it? Has my faith been misplaced? I know it hasn’t, and I know what it is you need.
You deserve better, and you will have better. You deserve to stand out and so you will. Respect, admiration – these are things you have earned but haven’t yet seen. That’s okay – sometimes even those with poor luck of the draw can have a hard time seeing a solution. While you know deep in your heart that money could solve a lot of your problems, you know it’s not what will ultimately buy you happiness.
I want to help you once more, , because I want you to be able to experience true happiness – perhaps the noblest and most fulfilling goal there is. You don’t have to live with constant adversity anymore, or be at the mercy of others. You need a victory. Many victories and I have just the tool for you: The Magical Liturgy of Triumph.
The Magical Liturgy of Triumph is nothing short of a miraculous solution for those who need the outside world to see who they truly are inside. To see the confidence, generosity, compassion and kindness that you contain. To demand the respect and admiration you should. It has the power to not only influence you and your aura, but it can change the very way people see you.
I can offer this incredible gift to you: to make you, in a sense, irresistible to people. They will not only feel a certain power and grace exuding from you, but see you for who you truly are. You will have more than the respect of someone with wealth, you will have the respect of self-confidence, of leadership, of success!
Other clients of mine have reported their success once they were in possession of this incredible gift, and found that The Magical Liturgy of Triumph has made it easier for them to meet romantic partners, to get ahead at work, to find the job of their dreams. From awkward interviews to successful showcases of your own talents. From being ignored to being the one others’ look to for leadership. Some have even said it’s as though they have the ability to seize anything they want!
One client wrote back to me after a couple of weeks:
“Once I received the liturgy, I performed the instructions exactly as you stated. Maybe it sounds cheesy, but the first 'wish' I had was to meet this great guy I'd seen around my office. He'd been ignoring me for months. I used to be so shy around him, but when I came to work on Monday, we ended up striking up a conversation out of the blue! Even as I was talking, I was amazed at my smoothness! I was worried I'd start sweating, or babbling but I never did and we got along just great! The week after, he asked me out. Thank you so much, Elissa, not just for the liturgy but because I can't wait to see what I can do next!” Miranda, 34
Can you imagine this in your own life, ? You can imagine The Magical Liturgy of Triumph to be like an unlimited source of power – like a genie with infinite wishes that works solely to make you happy and confident. Imagine succeeding in life, succeeding in relationships, succeeding with family! This magic is powerful, ancient and rare and it exists solely to help those who have lost their confidence when they otherwise deserve it. It’s my opinion that this is what you truly need.
There have been many people in the past who would wield this kind of power with impure intentions, but I know your heart. I know you are a pure and good soul who’s far overdue for the kind of prosperity and happiness you deserve, . That’s why I’m offering you this ultimate opportunity – the ability to manipulate events around you, to attract people, to take control of your life.
The Magical Liturgy of Triumph can help you be the person you’ve always dreamed of, it can help you show everyone just who it is you are and best of all, it can help you achieve the happiness that has been so illusive.
Now that you know that money is on it’s way to you, it’s time to take another action that will aid you: let yourself be happy. Act now!
I wish you nothing but the best.
Your friend and guide,