“It’s important to me that you reached out when you did, and I’m proud that you made the right decision. As we speak, the Divines watch over you and are pleased you have accepted their help. Just in time, your future is about to begin.”
Here it is, , your Great Talisman of Astral Fortune. I’m so excited for you to have this and can’t wait to hear all the ways it improves your life!
In order to make use of it, it’s best to print it out or otherwise display it on your screen as you follow the rest of the instructions below.
I want you to know that this talisman is only offered to those who truly deserve it: people like you, with compassion and drive, those who suffer misfortune but are never embittered by it. You have been chosen by the divines, and this is the proof!
Over time, many people have been granted the Talisman and all were pure hearted and deserving. Once their blessing was granted, their lives changed in incredible ways – finding fortune, discovering love, even winning wars! Each person was effectively granted a new life: so powerful were these shifts in fortune that they were likened to miracles. One of it’s most incredible miracles, of course, was the ability to protect from darkness, misfortune and evil – this is what I believe to be the best side effect in your case.
Throughout the ages these miracles, phenomena and magical boons have helped so many and this is why it’s so important that you’re here not, benefiting from the wonder it provides. There are so many things you have yet to experience, but with the talisman at your side, you will see them all:
- Summon good luck into your life
- Deflect misfortune and dark energy waves from harming you
- Obtain the financial future of your dreams
- Connect with “the one” – whether you’ve met them yet or not
- Have your wishes come true, one by one
- Strengthen your love and friendships
There are so many aspects of your life that will be touched by this talisman that it’s impossible to list them all, but you’ll feel it each time it touches you!
As I stated before, there is a simple ritual that must be performed in order for your Great Talisman of Astral Fortune to be used to grant a wish of your choosing. This powerful ritual acts as a direct line to the celestial world, allowing your dreams to be heard.
The Wishing Ritual
I have already performed the ritual needed to connect you, myself and the divines together in order to better facilitate their energy, and let it spread into you as an added protection against the negativity that seeks to harm you. This will allow all the luck and love coming to you to be unfettered and free flowing. You’ll begin to feel it the moment the talisman is on your person: a glow, a tingle, the warm feeling that some invisible guardian stands with you. This is how you know it’s working.
But I promised a wish, didn’t I? A wish you shall have! All you need to do is follow the instructions below to perform The Wishing Ritual and you may ask for that which you most desire: is it love, success, happiness, money? Open your mind and ask!
- It’s best to keep the Great Talisman of Astral Fortune on your person, if at all possible, as much as possible. If you’re unable to print it and keep it in a pocket, keep it on your computer screen and spend as much time with or around it as you can.
- For a week, you will recite The Sacred Mantra – it’s best to begin in the evening, in a quiet and placid place. Be sure to do this alone in the room of your choosing.
- Recite the following, calmly and quietly, each night:
“I speak to the Divines now and may they hear my call. In your grand celestial world, I seek the powers of your great magic to fulfill my wish. I humbly ask for [recite your wish] at your earliest convenience. I am forever grateful, and every day I shall bask in your beautiful glow.”
It’s imperative that as you speak these words, you believe fully in their power – your genuine need and humble ask will be granted as long as the Divines are certain of your sincerity. I have no doubt that you’ll do just fine, and I’m excited for you to fulfill your very first wish!
As it stands, you are now permanently supported by the grand luck of the cosmos, guarded from evil forces and misfortune and in a position of power over your life for once. This is your time, and everything will soon start falling into place!
Your Future
Perhaps your question is, what do I do now? Well, I can’t offer all suggestions, but I can tell you what my deep study of you and your situation showed me about your near future and the events that are on their way.
From the very beginning, I knew there were grand things ahead of you – that’s why I performed the study to begin with. I see a time of great change for you, changes that will come in distinct stages.
This first stage will have you feeling more emotionally full and open: your relationships will begin to improve. Romantic, platonic, familial – you’ll understand more from them and they you. Old fights and conflicts will find their way to resolution due to good news spreading into your social circle. You’ll find yourself rediscovering old friends, and reconnecting with people you haven’t thought of in years. This will be a time of great benefit for you, and the beginning of a bigger and better support network. A true community.
The second stage will bring you that sum of money I discussed with you before. A large gain that will happen suddenly and unexpectedly allow you to resolve a great stress that has been weighing on your mind for some time. Money can’t buy happiness, of course, but it can certainly give you peace of mind and comfort, and those are things that simply can’t be replaced.
The third stage is one of success, whether in business or in personal endeavors. With the community you’ve recently build (or rebuilt), it’s time to take advantage of the kindness around you and use your personal drive and new found confidence to start or continue a project. The misfortune that once prevented you from achieving your goals is no longer in place, which means it will be a good time to shoot for the moon once more!
In the fourth stage, it’s time for new things. New friends, new experiences – the sky is the limit and as you’ve succeeded in the past and finally found the reversal of poor fortune that you’d been suffering from, you are primed to begin to leave your comfort zone and find beauty in the new.
These are not the only opportunities and stages you have to look forward to, , but the beginning of your glorious new life. You will see happiness, love and great fortune and join the ranks of the many worthy people who have benefited from this divine magic.
I am here for you always and wish you the best.
Your friend and guide,