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My visions were clear,        . Your Epoch of Fortune is almost upon you and soon, everything will change! Between now and        , you will have opportunities like you never dreamed. We can take this journey together!”



I’m glad you’re here to explore your change of fate. I’ve spent most of my life helping people just like you with my extrasensory powers and I know that the time is right to help you too. These abilities date back more than a dozen generations within my family and I hold them sacred – I only use them to help the people I feel most deserve them and this time, that person is you!

I had a vision about you,        , one that came to me vividly as I sat down to prepare my evening meal. You’ve been tense, suffering under the burdens that have been placed on you and a victim of bad fortune, missed opportunities and negativity. I sense that you’re in need of luck, in need of money, to make the changes necessary in your life to bring yourself back into the path of light. Your timing is uncanny – you’re in the verge of your Epoch of Fortune.



An Epoch of Fortune is an incredibly rare mystical event that only occurs once in a lifetime, if ever! Think of it as fate turning her smiling face upon you, for a short time only, to give you all the advantages you never had. In my entire career, I’ve witnessed it perhaps two or three times! In these events, the blessed one (in this case, you!) becomes inundated with luck and fortune, often receiving copious amounts of money virtually overnight.

By now, you’re likely beginning to understand the importance of this grand event, and that’s why I want you to take the time to read my message so you’re absolutely clear on what’s coming for you. The happiness and prosperity you’ve been waiting for is just around the corner,        , and I want to ensure that you receive it. What I have to reveal for you could very well change the course of your entire future.


This probably sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

The path to prosperity is something that has us all at least a little preoccupied, right? Most us aren’t lucky enough to have the external support of a wealthy family, or the miracle of a winning lottery ticket in an otherwise period of bad luck.

You work hard for your money and you deny yourself often simple pleasures to try to save just a little more each time. You work paycheck to paycheck, no matter what you do. Sometimes, it can feel like a struggle just to squeeze even a percentage of what you’re worth out of life, and somehow, it still often isn’t enough. Your hard work is admirable, but you feel often like you’re taking one step forward and two steps back – do you have enough to cover your future? Education, health care costs? You’re not alone in knowing you probably don’t.

For some, after years of hardships and incredible effort, luck may smile on them long enough to give them a break – but this doesn’t happen for everyone. As in success, love and happiness, nothing in life is a guarantee and your situation could change at the drop of a hat. That said, we know that only a rare few are able to achieve all they dream of, and even a rarer few with no outside intervention.

Soon, your worries will be a thing of the past and prosperity will finally find you!

The vision I mentioned to you earlier is what proves to me that your time is now. Everything you’ve ever wanted and deserved is within your reach, but you often feel like you’ve slid further and further away from those goals. I know that nothing in your life seems simply, that you often feel powerless in the face of events beyond your control – perhaps you’ve even become embittered wishing that things has been easier. Don’t give up now – you’re almost there, and with my help, you could achieve this and more.

An Epoch of Luck is upon you,           and could change your life forever!

I know you’ve often felt let down by the forces of luck, maybe even deliberately ignored by them. You’ve often struggled where others have succeeded through no fault of your own. This is your time,         – the laws of chance are finally on your side and together, we can take advantage of this to help set right whatever it is that went so wrong before.

From         and for the 7 months that follow, you will be walking in the light of fortune – smiled upon by the invisible hands that guide us through our every day lives. You will even physically feel it – a gentle tingle on your skin, a breeze through your hair, an improved mood and a time of peace and calm. You will suddenly find yourself more content, more successful and more fortunate – you’ll not only receive large sums of money once, but multiple times throughout this period. The faster you take advantage of our fortuitous meeting, the more prepared we will become in order to take advantage of this incredible time.

Imagine suddenly being able to become debt-free. Imagine being able to buy a better wardrobe, a better car, even a better house! Imagine all the good you could do with all that extra money and how much calmer you’ll feel when you’re no longer a slave to financial stress. I know you,           and I know that you deserve this. Won’t you take this opportunity for yourself?


For the first time ever, you could be in control of your own destiny and reap the rewards that have always been there waiting for you!

Luck has been hard to measure scientifically – even the highest experts in the field can’t explain how winning comes in clusters, or concentrated spells. Think of situations in cards or games of chance where one might win over and over again – a player “on a roll” – and know that this phenomenon hasn’t been explained. It seems as though the more they win, the more they win! Well, there is an explanation for that           and it has less to do with science and more to do with the spiritual realm. For people like myself, we know that luck is an intense force that flows throughout the universe, often at random, but that it can be attracted to certain people or places, channelled and manipulated by those with special gifts like mine. This is what’s about to happen to you!

It sounds hard to believe, especially in a world that prefers to deal in cold, hard logic rather than reflect and respect the undercurrent of spiritual energy all about us. The signs are all there, and soon that luck will be shining on you in a way like never before. You may not feel it in an obvious way, but I know that you’ve sensed something is different. In the last few days you’ve felt a little more aware of yourself, more sensitive to minor shifts in temperature, wind and other small effects. This tells me that you know it’s coming too – an Epoch of Fortune is upon you, and it’s up to us to ensure we can do the best we can with this gift you’ve been given.

As I mentioned, your Epoch of Fortune will begin on        , opening you up to a whole new world. As in my vision, the clouds will finally part and the sun will finally begin to shine down on you upon you. Prosperity will be drawn to you almost irresistibly but there’s still more I can do for you.

Allow me to bolster the power of your Epoch of Fortune and create a flood of luck like you’ve never seen – become a “magnet” and reap your rewards while you still have time!

I want you to be able to take special advantage of this incredible time,         , and in order to do that, I want to perform a ritual for you that will exponentially increase your benefits. This ritual acts to “magnetize” you, so to speak, to all the positive energies of the universe and draws them in in order to amplify the effects you will soon experience. The Mystic Cleansing Ritual is made for just that purpose, and has been in use by people like myself for centuries. Imagine the success, the money, the happiness, the calm you will experience soon! It’s never too late for everything to change. With this ritual, you will be primed to take full advantage of your Epoch of Fortune, and it requires literally nothing from you but your agreement to take a chance on your own future happiness. You’re so close – haven’t you suffered long enough?

Without The Transcendent Shield, you could be blocked from receiving all you deserve. Despite the golden horizon, there are some gray clouds in your path.

Even at the cusp of your Epoch of Fortune, there are still small things that could get in the way. In my original vision, I saw a cloud, darker than the others, slowly drifting towards your golden sun. This shows me that there are still areas of your mind that are literally clouded by negativity – areas that could block the luck coming your way.

It’s best to think of these dark clouds as “blockages”, like knots in a muscle but on a spiritual level. They often build up over time and most people don’t even notice them – until their luck begins to fail, that is. They can prevent positive energy from entering your mind, draw in further negativity and disrupt the flow of fortune that should be coming to you. In extreme cases, they can even disperse positivity, causing a cycle of darkness, poor luck and heavy emotions.

There’s no need to fear however,          , because I was prepared for this possibility. Most people suffer blockages through no fault of their own, simply negative emotions and energy that build up over time. Things like stress, frustration, fear and anger can feed these blockages and make them worse, but this too can be overcome. I can stop these blockages from disrupting your destiny, from destroying your potential with The Mystic Cleansing Ritual and then ensure you are protected with the Transcendent Shield.

Think of the shield as a cocoon – one that can prevent harmful energies from entering your aura and help to destroy those that currently sit within. Imagine having that level of protection with you all day, every day, for the rest of your life knowing that you are now fully in control of your destiny. Without it, you take the risk of missing opportunities that could change your life – with the ritual, however, you can confidently know that you are safe from things that would seek to derail you.

       , you need this protection now more than ever, and the sooner the better. As we prepare for your Epoch, it’s important to ensure that nothing gets in your way.

Between us, I want what’s best for you. I know you’ve been suffering for a long time, always feeling a few steps behind where you think you should be. I know you suffer daily stress and financial woes that make it hard for you to relax, disrupt your sleep and affect your mood in a negative way. I know that these events have sewed a certain amount of doubt into your mind about what seem like “easy answers” or “quick fixes” – I’m here to tell you that I understand that.

What you see here isn’t an easy answer, however, nor is it a quick fix. It’s a deep spiritual ritual that helps to cleanse and protect the mind. When you consider how often you go to the doctor for a check-up, you must realize that you’ve likely not spent much time considering your spiritual health. That’s what I want to help you with – your spiritual health is just as important your emotional, mental and physical health and it’s neglect has led you to many of the difficulties you face today. In my vision, I knew instantly that you were suffering and that it would soon come to end, but I want to be sure. I don’t want to even think about risking everything you could achieve, for fear of losing it due to a cluttered and chaotic mind.

For you, the effort is minimal – for me, it’s a complicated but powerful ritual that could very well be the key to unlocking your entire future. For the first time in your life, you could soon wake up happy, successful and stress-free! This Epoch of Fortune may feel like it should have arrived sooner, but it will arrive exactly when it needs to – now it’s time for you to make sure you’re prepared. I want to see you succeed, I want your suffering to end. The faster you act, the sooner luck will be firmly on your side!

I have performed both the Mystic Cleansing Ritual and the Transcendent Shield spell so many times in my career that I’ve lost count, and I can say with full confidence that they have never failed. With a practical guarantee behind you, why not take this opportunity to clear your mind and ready yourself for the best chapter of your life?

Many of my clients write me after their Epoch has begun to tell me that they felt I had understated how incredible the changes would be. Some have become so happy and fortunate that they, like myself, have also dedicated their lives to helping people –  finally being able to pay for education, one of my clients became a nurse, another opened up a food bank in his neighborhood. Imagine being able to achieve your dreams within a year, whether you want to retire early to a beautiful island or pour yourself into your community. You wouldn’t be the only one who accepted my offer and you certainly wouldn’t be the only who found wild success!

It all begins on        ,        ! Mark it on your calendar!

Act now, and begin the first day of the rest of your life!

The time is now, and it begins as all journeys do – with a single step. Accept my offer now and with my help, you can become all you ever hoped to be and more.

Don’t hesitate for too long –         is fast approaching and soon, it could be too late for you to take full advantage of your Epoch of Fortune. You know you deserve this,           and I know you do too. I know you spend a lot of your time worrying about your family and friends, but now is the time to make a move for yourself, for your own health and your own future. Believe in yourself, believe in me and believe in your destiny.

With my extrasensory powers and your determination, there is nothing we can’t accomplish together.

With hope and dedication,

And Transcendent Shield (as a gift)