I see a new, different way forward for you in this life
A route to increased intuition and intellect. And I need to tell you about it ASAP! Will you bear with me as I explain what I’ve learned recently and what you now urgently need to know?
It all begins not in my waking hours but in the land of sleep…
Last night, I had one of those dreams that feel about a million years long, and you were in every minute of it.
We met at an airport empty of anyone else, and we flew halfway across the world together on a plane, also empty of anyone else.
Then, when we reached our destination, we scaled a great and gargantuan mountain. We braved treacherous stormy conditions and evaded a dangerous avalanche on our way up, eventually arriving at the Hidden Kingdom of the Supreme Seer.
This Kingdom is a small city civilization obscured from most people’s view and knowledge by its inaccessible location.
It’s real – it was founded by a prodigal psychic ancestor hundreds of years ago. A woman that seers like me aspire to (the most potent fortune and future teller in known history, many say). I’ve been to it myself in my waking life to learn and train.
But in my dreams, we were there together. Learning and training. Discovering all there was to discover. And in my dreams? I watched your third eye open.
You turned to me, third eye wide, and said: Now is the moment, Elissa.
Then, I woke up. But I didn’t wake as I’d fallen asleep, thinking of nothing in particular.
Instead, I woke with the clear knowledge that the moment was right. That I needed to share your Third Eye Emergence instructions with you and that you were in the best possible place to receive them.
Clearly, you’re ready. Clearly, the time to connect with your deep spiritual intuition and deepen your knowledge of all things is upon us.
I’m unsure what you do and don’t know about chakras and soul energy fields, , so I’ll give you a brief crash course before explaining how the Emergence will impact you.
Circular nexus points of energy exist throughout every human body, controlling different functions of a person’s soul and each part of their personality. These nexus points are known as chakras, and when they’re blocked, trouble ensues.
(When they’re open and flowing, success is likely, and the relevant life area can achieve peace and harmony.)
Your heart chakra, for instance, is located in your chest, responsible for many of your emotions and how they manifest. When it’s blocked, your love life might feel like a constant headache. When it’s not, things might feel more idyllic, happy and manageable.
Your third eye is a chakra. The sixth chakra, also known as Ajna, to be precise. The chakra sits at the center of your head, right between your brows.
When your third eye is open, your Ajna chakra is unblocked. These things are equivalent to one another.
As for what your third eye does and, as I said above, how it will impact you when the Emergence is complete? The results are many and various.
It will allow you to:
- Deepen your intellect and ability to understand things
- Enhance your perception and awareness of yourself and others
- Expand your well of wisdom in all areas
- Boost your imagination and creativity
- Hone and fine-tune your intuition and spiritual awareness
- Become more closely linked to the worlds beyond the physical
- Strengthen your bond with the universe and universal forces
It will do a lot, essentially, bringing positive soul-deep change in expected and unexpected ways.
To be clear, , you don’t need to become a seer like me (as my dreams of our time at the Hidden Kingdom of the Supreme Seer seemingly suggested you might like to) on the other side of that eye-opening process.
You can choose your path, whatever shape it might take. And no matter what you decide to do with your life, you’ll find things are clearer when an Emergence has been done. When that third eye is open and looking around on your behalf.
This is especially important in your current context…
I’ve been looking at your star charts this morning, and I can see that a significant windfall of wealth is coming your way close to the end of .
What better way to prepare? What better way to ensure you can grab every bit of financial fortune as it arrives?
This Emergence will make you more perceptive. More aware. More open. Less prone to missing a beat or passing by an opportunity without noticing its presence (or, at least, without noticing its presence until it’s too late).
As a result, this Emergence will make you luckier and happier. It’s done precisely that for many others already; you’re next if you want to be. You’re next if you trust me.
Say the word, and we’ll begin. I’ll help you to complete your two-part Third Eye Emergence as soon as I have your consent to act, sharing:
- Your Pre-Emergence Preparatory Guidance – I’ll show you how to create daily space for your third eye, living and behaving in specific ways.
- Your Third Eye Emergence Ritual instructions – When you’ve been following my Guidance for some time, you’ll complete these instructions for the official Emergence and finally OPEN that eye.
I’ll do all I can to change the shape of your life and help you get to a place where you can expand your mind.
This is all the time I can offer you. I hope it’s long enough.
Make your request in time, and I’ll even give you one more thing…
A FREE gift, as a token of my appreciation for the faith you’ll place in me by asking for these instructions – your Ajna Stone of Prosperity.
This Stone, constructed of stunning blue topaz, is a lucky artifact created by a powerful seer, known only to work for people who have opened their third eye chakra. People like the person that you will be ever so soon!
When you’ve welcomed the Stone into your heart and conducted a simple alignment process, it will be yours.
And it will bring forth three full months of extraordinary good luck.
Prosperous, abundant energies will shroud and surround you like the most wonderful cloud you’ve ever known.
Your loving friend,