Thank goodness you’re as spiritually attuned as I thought you were
To tell you the truth, I was really worried you were going to let this chance pass you by.
It’s clear to me that not everyone around you has your best interest at heart.
That doesn’t mean they’re bad people, . Sometimes, immaturity, selfishness, or a misplaced sense of belief in things that do more harm than good can cause people to be a bad influence.
Thankfully, you don’t have to worry about them leading you astray now you’ve accepted my offer.
Throughout this process and beyond, I’m going to act as your spiritual shepherd. I will keep you safe from harm and keep you on the right path, the one that will lead you to the happiness and fulfillment you’ve always dreamed of.
I won’t tell you what to do, – that’s up to you, of course. I know you’re smart and wise enough to choose your own path.
I will simply use my astrological and spiritual knowledge to stop you from coming to any harm.
And as part of my role, I’m going to help you make the most of the upcoming total lunar eclipse.
On that note, let me stop talking and start doing some explaining!
So, the Total Lunar Eclipse Transformation – what do I need you to do?
Thankfully, the three main components of this process are three things you won’t need to find.
The first, of course, is the Moon. As I said, I needed to receive your agreement before May 26, so we could take advantage of the eclipse’s unique energy.
The second thing you’ll need is your Selenic Statue.
Here it is, .
It’s said that this statue was hand-sculpted by indigenous people somewhere in South America thousands of years ago and blessed in the name of Mayan goddess Ixchel.
Using special technology, I have infused this digital imprint with all of the powerful spiritual energy of the physical totem – isn’t modern technology amazing, ?
The third item is a key – any kind at all will do – but you won’t need to do anything with that for now.
We must complete the Total Lunar Eclipse Transformation during darkness on the night of May 26/27. Hopefully, this message has arrived before then, so you have time to fully activate your Selenic Statue.
If you can, I’d like you to print off your Selenic Statue.
But if that’s not possible, don’t worry. You can simply view it on a digital device to complete this process.
On the night before the total lunar eclipse, place your Selenic Statue in the moonlight for at least one hour. If you’ve printed it off, I highly suggest leaving the digital imprint outside (preferably in a private garden or safe place) from nightfall on 25 May to the evening of 26 May.
Of course, you can’t leave a device outside all night, so there are two alternative options.
You can either spend 15 minutes outside, displaying the Selenic Statue on your device face-up, once the moon has risen.
Or, you can leave the device (again, displaying the image of this totem) in a windowsill that gets direct moonlight for one hour.
It’s a little complicated, but digital imprints can absorb energies faster, while paper copies are easier to keep on your person at all times. Neither option is better, – it’s simply a matter of preference.
Once you’ve done that, you’re ready to begin the Total Lunar Eclipse Transformation ritual.
On May 26, as soon as the sun sets, you can begin this powerful process.
Find a quiet place to perform this ritual. You can either stand outside directly under the moonlight or remain inside and face in the direction of the moon.
To really maximize its effects, you can perform this ritual at the exact time of the eclipse – I’d urge you to look up when this is in your exact area, .
But if that’s not possible, you can still achieve a fantastic result.
Here’s exactly what you’ll need to do:
The Total Lunar Eclipse Transformation Ritual
- Gather your Selenic Statue and a key (any kind, such as your house or car key, will be fine) and find a moon-soaked place to stand, either inside or outside. If you’re not able to stand for the duration of this ritual, it is absolutely fine to sit too.
- Hold the Selenic Statue in one hand and the key in the other. Allow yourself to relax and take a few deep breaths before beginning.
- I’d like you to look up to the moon, (or in its direction). If you can’t see it, close your eyes and visualize it. Appreciate its unique beauty, its silvery glow, its powerful, magnetic ability to draw you in.
- Next, stare at the Selenic Statue for two minutes. Feel its strong energy burning into your spirit as you do so. Make sure it remains in your hand even after you move your gaze away.
- When you’re ready, I’d like you to think about an emotional issue that has been troubling you. It can be something big, such as a relationship break down or betrayal by a friend, or something that others may consider insignificant – all that matters is that you pick something you’d like to resolve.
- Spend a few minutes thinking about your chosen emotional conundrum. As you do, you may start to notice something strange, . Answers that you could never reach before may come to mind. Or, maybe, a memory that caused you great pain doesn’t feel quite as tender. Don’t worry if that’s not the case, . But I strongly suspect it will be …
- With your problem still in your mind, I’d like you to bring your attention to the key. Bring it up towards the sky, in the direction of the moon, and turn it once to the left as if you’re unlocking a door. As you do, imagine that you’re opening a new door to a brighter chapter of your life. With each turn, this brand new existence becomes stronger, brighter, and more vivid in your mind. Your determination to stick to the right path grows with every action, and you know happiness, love, money, and whatever else you desire are just around the corner. Make five turns, but take your time, .
- Place your key in your pocket, or drop it on the floor. We have one final step to complete, .
- Bring the Selenic Statue to your face once more. As you gaze at it, repeat the following words:
“La lune of light,
Mjesec in the sky.
Wipe away my tears;
I do not want to cry.
Luna, bring me a new beginning,
Full of joy and love.
I welcome this new chapter
That’s packed with positivity from above.
Shelter me from harm, Mond,
Let me feel no fear.
For I am ready to start again
My new beginning is here.”
- Finally, raise your arms to the sky and shout, “thank you, thank you, thank you!”. This will show the universe just how grateful you are for this incredible new start.
I wish you every bit of luck during this process, .
Before I go, I actually have something else to share with you. A process that could make this ritual even more powerful.
I know you’re busy, so maybe I shouldn’t … but I’d kick myself if I didn’t at least offer you this opportunity.
It’s something I call the Penumbral Preparation Chant.
Essentially, it makes the effects of the Total Lunar Eclipse Transformation last even longer.
Friends I have offered it to previously report enjoying good luck until the next penumbral eclipse, many months later! That sounds incredible, doesn’t it?
This incredibly simple process can get you ready for the next lunar event, the penumbral eclipse, which will happen later this year on November 19.
All of the wonderful blessings you’ll enjoy in the wake of the total lunar eclipse – love, joy, money, success, and more – could be yours for months and months!
And as a thank you for being such a devoted friend, I’d also like to offer you another FREE gift. It’s something that was actually passed on to me by my dear mother, so I’m sure you can appreciate just how much it means to me.
This gift is the Amber Amulet. This incredibly protective charm will keep you safe from negative energies and curses and guide you whenever you are feeling lost.
There’s no time to waste, – you need to perform the Penumbral Preparation Chant exactly one day after the lunar eclipse!
Don’t let another second pass you by, dear friend. Say yes. Give yourself a chance to succeed and enjoy everything you’ve always dreamed of.
Nobody is more deserving of this than you.
You’ve come so far, . It would be foolish not to capitalize on all the hard work we’ve done, wouldn’t it?
I know you’re going to do what’s right.
Your loving friend,