I have so much to share with you today that I don’t want to waste a second more than necessary on the preamble
To quickly remind you of what to expect – we’ll begin by working through your Total Tarot Breakdown of 2024, and I’ll then also share your FREE Focus Crystallizing Amethyst.
Ready? Let’s do this…
Card Number One: Strength, Reversed
In the first third of 2023, Strength (reversed) shows us that your relationships will be affected by your tendency to spot weaknesses before strengths. To overcome this, must work hard to be less critical and to appreciate each person (including yourself) for their unique strengths and abilities.
Card Number Two: The Lovers, Upright
As the year progresses and your insecure behaviors lessen, you’ll find – for the first time in a long time – that you can meet people on equal footing rather than striving to control every little thing. The Lovers (upright) tell us that by the mid-point of 2024, you’ll know the importance of genuine partnership and union. Of love that comes with TRUST.
Card Number Three: Six of Pentacles, Upright
We end the year with the Six of Pentacles (upright), a card of charity and caring for everyone. Even strangers. By letting trust play a role in your life and giving more of your heart to those you know, you’ll eventually learn to do this (to an extent) for strangers. And you’ll be happier and brighter for it! Lean into it!
Card Number One: Page of Pentacles, Upright
We begin with the Page of Pentacles (upright). This card tells us that you’ll start 2024 with plenty of ambition to succeed, which is no surprise, given the year we know you’ll likely have. Be as hard-working as you want to be, but caution yourself by asking every now and then: “Is this effort moving me in the direction of something I truly desire?”
Card Number Two: Knight of Cups, Upright
As you step into the second third of 2024, you might begin to feel something missing in an emotional sense. Making great progress towards your goals, you might still feel… Off. The Knight of Cups (upright) tells us why. This is a card of idealism, optimism and heart-driven behavior, and it’s telling you to listen ASAP to MORE than your BRAIN.
Card Number Three: The Star, Upright
Following through on the thoughts that grow in the middle of the year will allow you to reach the point indicated by The Star (upright) at the end of 2024. The Star tells us that you’ll step into 2025 hopeful, energized and filled with belief. Open your heart, go along for the ride, and know that 2024 will not leave you as tired as 2023 did.
Card Number One: Nine of Cups, Reversed
The professional start of your year is a bit rocky. The Nine of Cups (reversed) expresses that while you may be somewhat financially stable, your job doesn’t leave you feeling emotionally stable. You lack inner joy, and that needs fixing as a matter of urgency. Are you working too late? Too often? Is the work not fulfilling? What needs to change?
Card Number Two: Two of Pentacles, Upright
The Two of Pentacles (upright) indicates that as the year goes on, your life will move so far in a positive direction that you’ll have more freedom to shape your career than ever. You’ll have to balance priorities and preferences to craft something that works for you, and you’ll DEFINITELY need to lessen your resistance to change to make the best of all of this!
Card Number Three: Eight of Swords, Reversed
If you commit to thinking about your career and holistically shaping an existence that works better for you on the professional side of things, you’ll be led all the way to the Eight of Swords (reversed) by December. This is a card of self-acceptance, fresh outlook and freedom from a past mental cage.
Card Number One: The Fool, Reversed
Financially, you can start to step up in 2024 by tending to the issue thrown up by The Fool (reversed). This card indicates that reckless, inconsiderate people in your life sometimes take you for granted economically, and that needs to come to an end if you want to truly thrive.
Card Number Two: Ace of Wands, Upright
The Ace of Wands (upright) tells you that in the second third of 2024, you must start creating and manifesting money moments for yourself. Desire fortune, square away other life areas, make room for joy, hope, and graciousness, and attract wealth like a powerful magnet. You’ve got this.
Card Number Three: Queen of Pentacles, Upright
What a place to end the year. The Queen of Pentacles (upright) represents financial cushioning, safety and security. A life not constantly defined by the next bill, debt or expense. A life where you can enjoy luxurious items without immense guilt. You deserve it, , and it is 100% within reach.
That concludes your Total Tarot Breakdown of 2024, .
Take the time you need to absorb the learnings above, and always remember that this is your resource to use as necessary, without judgment.
Do what works for you and what will enable you to succeed – even as you reach the end of 2024!
Now, as promised, I’ll share your FREE Focus Crystallizing Amethyst. I’m confident it’ll make a substantial positive difference in the early months…
Here’s your stunning Focus Crystallizing Amethyst. As I’ve explained before, it will keep you clear-headed, determined and sure of your dreams and goals for at least three months.
To quote myself… “For your first chapter of 2024, the Amethyst will keep you aligned with all the recommendations and suggestions made by the Tarot Breakdown. You’ll find your footing, insulated from distraction, and perhaps do even better than we currently anticipate.”
I’ve handled the metaphorical heavy lifting to get the Amethyst ready for you at my end, so all you need to do now is print out its image and store it safely.
Once you’ve done that, you’ll feel its power immediately.
You deserve this clarity, . You deserve everything. I sincerely hope the Amethyst is helpful as you get used to living with the guidance of your Tarot Breakdown!!!
Your loving friend,