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This is Your Transit Guide,       


INTRODUCTION: Why NOW is the Most Important Time for You to Align with Your Astral Energies

We  are at a very crucial time in history, Doghead. A quick look at the news will  tell you  just how challenging these times are. Yet  what most people don’t realise is that all  of this has been foretold for  ages. The truth is,  the upheavals, challenges, and frequencies at play right now are very clearly “written in the stars.”

You see, we  are living during the “Cusp” of a new age. As the old  song goes, this is,  indeed, the “dawning of the age of Aquarius.” What that means is that a new consciousness is emerging on  the planet. And  since 2012, this “emergence” has accelerated.

In  fact, never before in human history have thoughts and feelings manifested into physical reality so  quickly! What this means for  you  is that you  now have the opportunity to intentionally create your life  exactly the way you  want… as long as you  are aligned with YOUR  OWN TRUE ASTRAL FREQUENCIES.

A Warning:

Unfortunately, as this new consciousness emerges, the “shadow” of the old  continues to rise in resistance. The fear within humans, the greed of the super-rich, the drive for  power among corrupt politicians, and the violence that criss- crosses the globe are all  evidence of this growing shadow. It’s why there is so  much anger and suffering.

As the Darkness of human nature puts up a fight against the Light, those of us here to do  good are facing many challenges – challenges that cannot be overcome by  the old  system. The good news is that if you  are reading this Doghead, it means you  are one of the very special Souls on  this planet who are here to help! This is where Astrology enters the picture.

Astrology Holds the Answers for You During These Challenging Times

Astrology is perhaps the single most powerful tool we  have for  navigating these difficult times. By understanding your own unique astrological profile and then aligning with the key energies at play for  you, you  have within your grasp the power to control your own destiny – no  matter what else is going on  around you!

Where others must simply be victim to these difficult times, YOU can actually study and prepare for  your Transit

Periods and how the movements of the planets will  impact you  before they arrive.

Simply put Doghead, the information contained in this Guide puts you back in the driver’s seat of your life!

The trick is to study your Transits carefully. Never before has it been more important for  you  to understand yourself, the energies at play in your life, and the steps you  must take to align with these energies.

You are here for  a reason, and this Transit Period Guide will  support you  in improving every area of your life. Use it daily, use it well, and thank you  for  being one of the “Good Guys” during this Change of the Ages.

Let’s begin!


JUPITER: When Will You Be Luckiest This Year?

Believe it or not        , There are many opportunities for  you  to increase your chances of luck and good fortune. The trick, of course, is being able to recognise and seize these opportunities. And  there is no  better way to assist you in identifying exactly when your lucky breaks may arrive than a careful reading of your astrological transits on  a day- by-day basis. 

Here’s what you  need to do:  Pay special attention to Jupiter in your Guide below. If you  want to call more luck into your life, then let the planet of Luck and Generosity be your guide.

When Jupiter interacts with another planet, you  want to keep your eyes out for  all  signs, messages, opportunities, or people in your life  that carry a similar energy. For example, if transiting Jupiter is in contact with the planet Mars, ask yourself:

. Who has that “get it done” energy in my  life?

. What opportunities or decisions can I make today which will  “fire me up” to take action?

These Mars-like personality traits enjoy the benefits of expansion and good luck under a Jupiter transit. If, however, that transit is challenging, be sure you  don’t “blow your top”! Keeping a cool head when Jupiter challenges Mars is essential in order to open the door to better fortune and happiness in the days and weeks ahead.

Doubling  Your Luck with Venus

It looks like you  are in for  a particularly lucky period, Doghead! Due to the frequency of Jupiter and Venus transits in your chart, it’s  clear that good fortune is on  your side…

Whenever Jupiter is in positive aspect to the planet Venus, you  stand the chance to double your luck! So  pay very close attention to the days when these two planets connect, then follow the guidance revealed.

VENUS & MARS: Your Best Opportunities for Love

Whether you  are in a loving relationship or not, there are several days coming up during this transit period that you’ll want to pay close attention to. When you  do,  you  will  put yourself directly in the path for  greater love, a new love, or deeper romance in your current relationship! It all  begins with the Goddess of Love herself, the planet Venus. Venus as a cosmic force holds the frequency of love and beauty. When she influences other planets in transit, she brings these qualities with her. And  when she makes transiting aspects to the planet Mars, get ready for  sparks to fly!

As the planet of fiery energy – including sexual fire – Mars is a dynamo! When he is aspecting your Venusian love frequencies, you  MUST be prepared to take action on  invitations for  romance, deep connections, and affection.

Venus loves to give, but she also loves to receive. When you  pay attention to receiving even the smallest compliments on  days when Venus and Mars connect, you  literally open the door wider and wider to that powerful, soul-satisfying love you  so  deserve!

SATURN & PLUTO: How to Identify Challenges & Obstacles

Pay careful attention to the transits of Saturn and Pluto in your chart,        . These planets pose the greatest challenges to us and the best way to deal with them is to DO what they are asking you  to do.  A simple understanding of these heavenly bodies will  assist you  in correctly aligning with their powerful frequencies, so  please read this section carefully!

Saturn – The Taskmaster

The planet Saturn has a bad reputation among those new to astrology. What we  professional Astrologers know, however, is that ALL planets, including the old  “taskmaster” himself, offer us gifts and possibilities when we  work with them correctly. 

When it comes to Saturn interacting with other planets in your chart, what you  need to do  is “give it the works.” Here’s an example: If Saturn is transiting Mercury, be very careful with your communication (Mercury’s major areas of focus). Give this area “the works” by  crossing your T’s,  dotting your I’s,  and speaking your truth with kindness, sincerity, and love. This is true for  both harmonious and challenging aspects, but of course, it’s  especially true during challenging transits.

Pluto – The Great Transformer

If you  find Saturn transits challenging, you  may find Pluto transits even more difficult. This is because Pluto frequencies call us to transform the area of life  represented by  the planet it transits. So  more than simply giving something “the works” like Saturn, Pluto asks for  an entire overhaul!

Take heart, though, my  dear        , for  a challenge from Pluto is never offered without the gift of a great reward! Indeed, Pluto is also known as the keeper of the gold. When we  commit to his lessons, we  gain greatly when the transit is complete.


How to Read Your Natal Chart

Above is your astrological natal chart, or birth chart, which has been calculated and drawn based on  the exact date, time, and location of your birth. Your natal chart is a map of the sky, the stars, and the planets at the exact moment and location that you  appeared on  Earth. Because the planets are in constant motion around the Sun (the Earth included), unless you  were born at the exact moment in the exact place as another person (such as in the case of twins or triplets), your birth chart is completely unique to you.

What is a Natal Chart?

Your natal chart reveals the complex layers of your personality and can also be used to predict and reveal the areas of your life  where you’ll experience luck, ease, and flow, as well as the areas where you  are likely to face most of your obstacles and challenges.

The Anatomy of the Natal Chart:

There are 3 main components that make up your birth chart:


The Houses, which form the skeleton of your chart, represent the sky  – specifically the ecliptic, the paths of the planets – at the time you  were born. There are 12 houses, which begin at the Ascendant and wrap counter-clockwise around the chart. Each house rules over a certain area of your life: the 1st house ruling the Self, the 2nd ruling money and possessions, the 3rd communication and family ties, etc. These houses are in the same place on  everyone’s chart. For a complete breakdown of each house, reference The ASTROLOGICAL ASPECTS in the Glossary.


The Signs,which represent where the zodiac signs were located along the ecliptic at the time and place of your birth. There are 12 signs, and each represents certain characteristics, qualities, personality types and traits. For a complete outline of the zodiac signs, reference The 12 ZODIAC SIGNS in the Glossary.


The Planets,which represent the experiences in our lives that shape our personalities. Each planet rules particular experiences, for  example, Saturn rules responsibilities and discipline, while Venus rules love and pleasure. For a complete guide to the planets, reference The SUN, The MOON, The PLANETS, & The LUNAR NODES in the Glossary.

At the very centre of your birth chart is you, here on  planet Earth, at the exact moment and place you  were born. Your chart begins at the sign that was rising over the eastern horizon at your time and place of birth, known as your

Ascendant or Rising sign. The left side of your chart is the Eastern horizon, and the right side the Western. The top of the chart represents the highest part of the ecliptic in the sky, and the bottom represents the unseen ecliptic below the horizon at your time and place of birth.

Working outward from the centre, you’ll find the 12 houses wrapping counter-clockwise around the middle of the chart, with the 1st house starting at the leftmost point of the chart at your Ascendant. You’ll  notice that the houses in your chart are not divided into equal fractions – don’t panic! – this is because this natal chart is calculated using the Placidus house system.

Inside the wheel itself you’ll find the 9 planets, represented by  their glyphs. To the left of the chart, you’ll find a legend defining each glyph. Each planet appears in both a house and a zodiac sign. Sometimes, houses and signs will contain no  planets.

Finally, running along the outside of the wheel are the 12 astrology signs. You’ll  notice that each sign falls into a house and may or may not contain planets. To determine your Sun sign, locate the Sun’s glyph (☉)  in your chart and look at the astrology sign it falls under. Again, you  can use the legend to the left of the chart to determine each sign’s glyph if you’re unfamiliar.

How to Read Your Birth Chart:

Your Primal Triad:

Start by  locating these 3 key touchpoints on  your birth chart:

  1. YourSun sign 

 Your Sun sign is the sign of the zodiac the Sun was in when you  were born. In  your natal chart, the Sun represents your life  force, your conscious outward personality and countenance. This is why more importance is placed on  it than on  the other planets and features, and why when you  read your daily horoscope, it is written

for  your Sun sign. There are 12 signs of the zodiac, each one with its own attributes and qualities. Since the Sun was in a particular sign when you  were born, your personality will  reflect many of that sign’s traits.

To find your Sun sign in your birth chart, locate the Sun’s glyph ☉. Note the zodiac sign and house that contain this glyph.

  1. YourMoon sign 

Your Moon sign is the sign of the zodiac the Moon was in when you  were born. The Moon represents your emotions and feelings, your unconscious, who you  know yourself to be inwardly. Many people find they identify more with their Moon sign because of this. There are 12 signs of the zodiac, each one with its own attributes and qualities. Since the Moon was in a particular sign when you  were born, your emotions and feelings will reflect many of that sign’s traits.

To find your Moon sign in your birth chart, locate the Moon’s glyph ☽. Note the zodiac sign and house that contain this glyph.

  1. Your Ascendant/Rising sign

 Your Ascendant sign is interchangeably referred to as your Rising sign. Your Ascendant sign is the zodiac sign that was rising over the eastern horizon at the exact moment in the exact location you  appeared on  Earth. Locate your Ascendant on  the cusp of the beginning of the 1st house of your birth chart. It is interpreted along with the planets as it has a vital role to play in your personality. It’s the first impression that you  give to people, and understanding the qualities of your rising sign will  reveal a lot  about the mask you  wear when you’re dealing with the general public.

To find your Ascendant sign in your birth chart, locate your 1st house. Note the zodiac sign on  the cusp of the beginning of the 1st house. This is your Ascendant sign.

Together, these 3 signs make up your primal triad, the foundations of your personality.

You might also want to note your personal horoscope’s ruling planet or chart ruler. Your chart ruler is not the same as the ruler of your Sun sign, but is determined by  the planet that rules your Ascendant. Transits that involve your ruling planet will  have a stronger impact on  you  than others.

You can read the rest of your birth chart the same way; note the sign and house each of the planets fall  into, then reference the Glossary to discover how your unique combination of planets, houses, and signs influences your personality and your life.


Aspects refer to the angular degrees and and geometric relationships the planets have to one another in your chart. You can find a visual of your aspects in the centre of your chart, represented by  red and blue lines.

However, as this is not very easy to decipher, you  can determine the aspects present in your chart using the aspectarian table, which appears directly underneath your birth chart. Use the legend to the left of the chart to understand what aspect each symbol indicates. Then, reference the The ASTROLOGICAL ASPECTS in the Glossary for a guide to the aspects to understand how they influence you.

The most significant aspect degrees are:

  • Conjunct (0°)
  • Square (90°)
  • Opposition (180°)
  • Trine (120°)
  • Sextile (60°)


Your birth chart also shows you  the placement of your 2 Lunar Nodes, the North Node  and the South Node . The Lunar Nodes are the points where the Moon’s orbit intersects with the ecliptic, the path across the sky  the Sun appears to follow during the year.

The North Node, or the Dragon’s Head () represents destiny, the life’s purpose, what one must become over the lifetime. The North Node represents the uncharted territory outside our comfort zone where we  must venture in order to learn and accomplish everything our soul set out to.

The South Node, or the Dragon’s Tail  (), which is always located in the House directly opposite to the

North Node, represents the instinctual or innate qualities and behaviours one holds. The South Node is the comfort zone from which we  can draw our natural gifts and abilities to drive ourselves towards the life’s purpose. It symbolizes our resistant response to growth and evolution in favour of the familiar. 

Locate the house placement of your Lunar Nodes, then reference The SUN, The MOON, The PLANETS, & The LUNAR NODES in the Glossary to discover in what areas of your life  where things come naturally to you  and areas where you must learn and grow


A Note on Days with No Aspects:

As you  review your Guide carefully, Doghead, you will  note that there are some days that are not  included. The  reason for  this is that you  have no major transiting planets and aspects on that day.  Here’s the  best way  to make use  of these days:

STEP 1: Study the  previous day’s transits. These are the  frequencies moving out of play,  yet  they still offer some energy. So if there was  anything you  didn’t act on  with  regard to these frequencies, continue to pay  attention! They may just show up  today.

STEP 2: Study the  following day’s transits. These are the  frequencies coming into play,  and  you  may  experience some “hints” or foreshadowing that can  give  you  a head start on making the  very most of the  upcoming transit.

STEP 3: Study the  recent transits of the  outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto)  to your personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars). Outer planets move  slowly, which means their energies are at play  for longer than a single day.  Plus,  the  outer planets- especially Uranus, Neptune and  Pluto- often represent SOUL lessons, so when you work with these frequencies as  recommended in the  Guide, you  increase your personal power on many levels and in multiple areas of your life!


This horoscope is your personal cosmic fingerprint. No  other person will  have exactly the same combination of influences, unless they were born in the same second and exactly the same place as you were. With 10 planets, 12 signs of the zodiac and 12 houses there are approximately 1500 simple combinations in the horoscope, and when you  add to that the different degrees and combinations between planets there are tens of thousands of influences which have to be weighed and juggled in any astrological interpretation. No  computer programme can do  this satisfactorily, but we  do  our best.


Reports from Astrology Answers are designed to simplify the interpretation process for  you. It indicates for  example the relative strengths of different planetary influences so  you  can see what is most important. Furthermore this written report is divided up into sections on  Identity, Emotions, Mentality, Love and Sexuality to eliminate apparent contradictions which arise in the character description. But the reader must bear in mind that contradictions will  arise. People are complex and contain many contradictory traits. Diametrically opposed character descriptions will  either reflect inner dilemmas or outer conflicts reflected in the behaviour of others.


The Astrology Answers birth report can cover your personal character, your professional life  or a combination of both, depending on  your choice of report. The professional section addresses the questions: “What talents do  I have?” and “How can I use this ability?” The personal section is concerned with relationships and hidden psychological causes, and addresses the question: “How can I improve myself in this area?” 


Our reports can also integrate trends of the next year or two into the birth analysis, going beyond a static description of personal character and introducing a dynamic sense of what is happening for  you here and now. The dynamic trends show the unfoldment of the horoscope through time. By analysing the current trends, it is therefore possible for  you  to gain insight into events just past, events happening at the present moment and trends into the future.

Advice for 21-04-2019


Astrological Transit: Transiting Sun positive your Saturn


WELL TIMED PLANS: Make important agreements today, and they will  have a long-lasting effect. Self-disciple and determination now bring great results later.




  1. Should I find short-term solutions, or take a long-term view?


Answer: Plan ahead. Think in terms of years. First of all  prioritize what you  need to achieve in your life, then move forward a step at a time.


  1. What is the right attitude to setbacks now?


Answer: There are no  problems… just challenges. Setbacks are valuable because they harden your resolve and force you  to concentrate. This creates the foundations for  a solid future.


  1. Can I expect recognition now?


Answer: Be  patient. Keep a low  profile. Get yourself noticed by  those in authority, but don’t make demands. You need to prove yourself.





Astrological Transit: Transiting Venus challenges your Saturn


REJECTION: Don’t ask, and you  won’t be disappointed. Cultivate self-sufficiency. It’s payback time if you’ve erred in relationships, whether love or business.




  1. What demands should I be making in my love life?


Answer: Today – none. Be  restrained with your own needs. Puritan, even. If others demand what you cannot deliver, be diplomatic but firm in your refusal.


  1. How can I protect my business and finances?


Answer: Put the brakes on, and make sure your resources are secured. Pay in installments over time. Don’t make further investments right now.


  1. How can I overcome relationship difficulties?


Answer: Being defensive creates barrier for  love. Open up, and share your fears and weaknesses, but without expectation or demand. Know your worth and be strong.


Astrological Transit: Transiting Neptune positive your Moon


EMOTIONAL STATES: At this time you  tune in to a spectrum of feelings. There are longings regarding home and family. Let dreams of how it could be guide you.




  1. Can I consolidate my family situation in this period?


Answer: It’s very unlikely. Rigid family structures dissolve and who knows how they will reconstitute? Check the structural foundations of your home. Beware of damp.


  1. Why do I seem to be overwhelmed by feelings?


Answer: There is a sense that you  cannot control your emotions. So  let them come. Past sorrows are washed away, new joys discovered. Surrender to the flow.


  1. What is this period good for?


Answer: It’s good for  discovering the deep, caring side of your nature. You feel vulnerable, but can empathize with others. Let your heart go  out to those who suffer.





Advice for 22-04-2019


Astrological Transit: Transiting Venus positive your Midheaven


PLEASURE AT WORK: Pleasant people pop by  and make your day a pleasure. In  this mood you  can ask for  favors, and they will  be granted. Financial advance.




  1. Is it a day for organizing or socializing?


Answer: It’s people that count today, not things. It’s the time to wine and dine. Court those with influence, and rewards will  be heaped on  you.


  1. Where shall I seek allies at work?


Answer: Your colleagues are your best resource, but you  can also call on  financial favors right now.


  1. Who should I turn to for a favor?


Answer: The person who can help you  best right now is a professional woman with social influence.



Astrological Transit: Transiting Mercury positive your Sun


EXPRESSING YOURSELF: Make sure  people  get to know the real you. Visit important people, and promote yourself confidently and humorously. Be  seen and heard.




  1. Can I expect to be popular today?


Answer: You can. The words that come out of your mouth miraculously command attention. You seem to find the right combination of levity and clarity.


  1. Should I give audience to people?


Answer: Yes,  people seek you  out because they respect you. And  maybe they have an idea or two you can benefit from. You’ll work best in a team today – help is at hand from others.


  1. Should I travel in style?


Answer: Today you  should treat yourself to first class. Who knows who you  might meet? Sometimes impressions speak louder than words.





Advice for 24-04-2019


Astrological Transit: Transiting Mercury challenges your Neptune


SCRAMBLED COMMUNICATION: What you  see is not what you  get. Dreams distort your perception. You avoid the truth. Don’t let your imagination take control.




  1. Should I put confidence in what people say to me today?


Answer: You should not. People may simply be lying to you, or you  may not be listening properly to them. You hear what you  want to hear.


  1. Should I be direct and truthful with others?


Answer: A good question! As a general rule, yes, but today it could be wise to conceal your thoughts. Maybe it’s best to tell some white lies. Protect your dreams.


  1. Should I do administrative or creative work?


Answer: Creative work. Administrative work will  bore you, and worse, you  can get important details wrong. Relax, dream, and take time off to swim, watch films or dally in Nature.



Astrological Transit: Transiting Sun positive your Mars


EXECUTIVE ACTION: Nothing can stop you  getting what you  want today. Use the full  force of your personality to carve a path to your goal. You’re a winner!




  1. Has the time come to take action?


Answer: Don’t hesitate a moment. Strike whilst the iron is hot. The force of your will  sweeps all resistance aside.


  1. How much consideration should I take for others?


Answer: Don’t let nervous concern for  others prevent you  from going for  what you  need. Everybody loves a winner, but there is little time for  losers.


  1. Is patience a virtue?


Answer: Possibly, but not for  you, and not now. Don’t wait for  others to take the lead. Seize the initiative and take a leadership role.





Astrological Transit: Transiting Sun positive your Ascendant


INTO THE LIMELIGHT: Show people  who you  are and what you  intend to do.  You can light the way for  others. Don’t hesitate to project yourself. Expect recognition.




  1. How much priority should I give partnership?


Answer: What’s good for  you  today is good for  your partner. Whatever you  want to reach, partners will  be motivated to help you  reach it.


  1. How can I make progress on the road ahead?


Answer: The important factors are: friends and those with influence, training and educational skills, and being able to sell yourself. Believe in yourself.


  1. Can I make it alone?


Answer: Maintain your independence, but be open to advice from mentor figures. People are only too willing to help you  on  your way.



Astrological Transit: Transiting Venus positive your Sun


BEING LOVING: You show the best side of your personality today and this can’t fail  to bring success. Affairs of the heart are favored. Give and receive gifts.




  1. Is it OK to think well of myself?


Answer: Yes  – see your loving qualities today, and know you  ARE  worth it. Think of all  the good things you  have done, direct your attention at your heart, and let it fill up with love.


  1. What is the best reaction to praise today?


Answer: Receive it with grace. Be  mutually complimentary. Above all  show your appreciation to others who make the effort to praise you. Be  the person others want to see.


  1. How should I conduct romance?


Answer: With great generosity. Take your loved one out to an expensive occasion. Spare no  expense. It’s time to live  like royalty, if only for  a moment.





Advice for 28-04-2019


Astrological Transit: Transiting Venus challenges your Neptune


DREAMS AND  DISAPPOINTMENT: When the bubble bursts, the longing remains. Love is unrequited when it is unrealistic. Only spiritual bonds stand the test of time.




  1. Should I put reservations aside and give myself heart and soul?


Answer: You’d be making a mistake if you  did. There are people out there who know how to pluck your heartstrings. Don’t fall  for  a sob story that could end up being yours.


  1. How can I find happiness in love?


Answer: Life  and love is transitory but we  are all  in the same boat. Indulging feelings of sadness about this can be habit-forming. Compassionate acts neutralize sadness.


  1. What’s the best attitude to financial proposals today?


Answer: Wait before you  decide. There could be a fraudulent or unrealistic element to proposals. All is not as it seems – investigate.



Astrological Transit: Transiting Mars challenges your N.Node


DISTURBED RELATIONS: It’s difficult to know how to proceed. You are distracted from your mission by  other’s demands. Actions must accord with your life  goal.




  1. How should I relate to inner feelings of anger and upset?


Answer: You will  never be able to avoid aggression, as it is one of the driving forces in society. You too need to forcefully establish limits to what you  can accept from others.


  1. Am I right to feel frustration at the direction my life is taking?


Answer: Without provocation you  may not feel like taking action. See this time as an opportunity to take dynamic action in the direction you  want to go.


  1. How does present disruption relate to the greater scheme of things?


Answer: When trouble turns up unexpectedly at this time, it relates to long-forgotten events from the past. Now is the time to resolve these through executive action.





Advice for 30-04-2019


Astrological Transit: Transiting Sun positive your Neptune


LIVE  YOUR  IDEALS: It’s a magnificent day for  visionary activities. Dreams take center stage and capture everyone’s imagination. Expect spiritual growth!




  1. Is it unrealistic of me to want the impossible?


Answer: Dreams can be the guiding light for  self-improvement. Indulge yourself, and fly on  the wings of your imagination… it will  enrich you.


  1. Is it wise to idealize someone I admire?


Answer: You meet people who express the finest human qualities. Whether it’s truth or illusion, what is important is that you  have the capacity to recognize humanity in others.


  1. How much emphasis should be placed on my spiritual life?


Answer: Today you  should concentrate on  the spiritual and leave humdrum existence behind. Only inner riches can be taken with you  when you  die.



Astrological Transit: Transiting Sun challenges your Pluto


POWER AND  SURVIVAL: Irrevocable decisions are made today… it could be a question of survival. You are drawn to the forbidden as a moth is drawn to the flame.




  1. Should I continue with a situation that has been draining me?


Answer: No, you  should not. Even if it means pain and trauma, this is the time to make a conscious decision to eradicate those areas of your life  that have outlived their usefulness.


  1. Can I cope with the pressure on me right now?


Answer: You can. But decisions are necessary. Your survival abilities are called for, and that means being ruthless and unsentimental. After the darkness comes the light.


  1. Shall I reveal the inner turmoil to others?


Answer: This is a good period for  therapeutic contact, but you  could disturb those close to you  if you reveal all.  A therapist can handle it, a loved one maybe can’t.





Advice for 04-05-2019


Astrological Transit: Transiting Mercury positive your Mercury


THOUGHTS HUM: This is an excellent time for  expressing your thoughts and ideas. Make sure people hear what you  have to say, and deliver your message with wit.




  1. Is this a good time to contact people who have influence?


Answer: If you  have something you  want to ask for, then at least you’ll be able to ask for  it in style. Your powers of self-expression are at their best.


  1. Should I put off writing or do it now?


Answer: As you  are at a mental peak now, it’s best to resist an inclination to laziness, and get writing or communicating – today!


  1. Is it responsible to go traveling now?


Answer: There’s a time to be responsible, and a time to have fun. This is the time for  pleasure and play… you  could learn something.



EXPRESSING KINDNESS: Aesthetic and intellectual pleasures bless your day. Take a pleasure trip, or communicate with someone you  love. People say nice things.




  1. Are compliments meant sincerely today?


Answer: People cannot help responding to the way you  express your love and kindness. People really mean it when they flatter you, so  take it with good grace.


  1. Is it a good time for love?


Answer: It’s a great time for  love talk! Though the energy is more friendly than erotic, you  cannot fail to get a good response. Words of love must be spoken!


  1. Is it a good day for going out?


Answer: It’s a great day, especially in the company of friends or loved ones. You should be looking for aesthetic entertainment that stimulates mental purity.





Astrological Transit: Transiting Mercury positive your Uranus


BEING A GENIUS: Tune in to what is unique in you, and let everyone know. The dividing line between madness and genius is thin, but go  for  it. Cross boundaries.




  1. Should I listen to the reservations of others?


Answer: No  – go  for  what you  really believe in.  You are at your most inventive and original, and you don’t want your ideas watered down by  the skepticism of others.


  1. Should I consider a quick trip?


Answer: Follow whatever route your intuition takes you  on. This could well mean a lightning visit to meet inspiring people. It’s definitely time for  a space hop.


  1. How can I optimize my talents?


Answer: Make sure your technology is tip-top, and that you  are fully connected. Seek out the company of original thinkers, but work on  your own ideas.



PLANS CLICK INTO PLACE: Express yourself briefly and concisely. Make schedules and deadlines. Seek the advice of those with more experience than yourself.




  1. Can I sway others with my oratorical powers?


Answer: Not today. People want to see facts and figures. Make a plan, a budget or a list, and you’ll soon have those in authority eating out of your hand.


  1. How should I react if plans grind to a halt?


Answer: Just study them carefully for  flaws. Adjust and adapt. This is just a change of course, not a brick wall. Break large projects down into smaller, and make a plan to handle each of them.


  1. Should I trust what I hear?


Answer: It’s a good day for  business and other plans, but don’t trust blindly. Give yourself plenty of time to consider proposals, ask advice, then you’ll be ready to make a commitment.





Advice for 08-05-2019


Astrological Transit: Transiting Sun challenges your Moon


BE AWARE  OF  YOUR  EMOTIONS: Unconscious and instinctual behavior surfaces today, and it’s not something to be proud of.  Guard against childishness.




  1. Should I be guided by my feelings?


Answer: Make sure you  rule your feelings – don’t let them rule you. You know what’s mature and what’s immature. Choose the former.


  1. Should I put my family first?


Answer: If you  put your family first, you’d still be with Mom and Dad.


  1. How should I balance my needs with the needs of those dependent on me?


Answer: Those close to you  feel uncomfortable when you  change, but they choose you  because of who you  are. Be  true to yourself, and you’ll never disappoint them.



Astrological Transit: Transiting Mercury positive your Mars


ENTHUSIASTIC TALK: Make sure you  express your ideas, even if it means shouting. Get out and about, be spontaneous, and mobilize your persuasive powers.




  1. Should I fight to be heard?


Answer: Yes… today you  can attract an interested audience, and have the power to get them enthusiastic. Whatever your heart beats for, get the message out.


  1. How should I handle power play today?


Answer: It’s all  about communication. Make both the message, and its delivery, forceful.


  1. How should I respond to initiatives?


Answer: Network with others and get into action mode. It’s the combination of decisive action, interaction and a clear mind that brings success today.





Astrological Transit: Transiting Mercury positive your Ascendant


EXPRESS YOUR  IDEAS: You smooth relationships through well-chosen words. Ensure you  make contact, even if it means travel. Communication is the key.




  1. How can I make the best impression today?


Answer: It’s crucial to express yourself in one way or another. Get on  the right wavelength with others and let them know what you  are thinking. A stimulating conversation can make your day.


  1. Should I allow myself to be distracted by others?


Answer: Yes,  what a good idea! It’s the distractions that make life  fun, so  drop what you  are doing and take a trip with friends just for  the hell of it.


  1. Should I make time to discuss things with loved ones?


Answer: There’s never been a better time. Say whatever has been on  your mind that you’ve been holding back. Listen carefully to the response. Play ping pong and have fun.



Astrological Transit: Transiting Sun conjoins your Jupiter


EXPAND YOUR  HORIZONS: A positive frame of mind brings you  luck, success and advancement. Resist the urge to pontificate and win arguments. Be  tolerant.




  1. Should I push my luck today, and go for what I really want?


Answer: Oh  yes! If you  don’t ask, you  don’t get. This could be your lucky day.


  1. What’s really important in life?


Answer: Believing in something is really important. Your vision carries you  forward and creates the future. You can get what you  want, if you  believe in yourself.


  1. Should I be thinking about the past, or the future?


Answer: Think about the past another time. There may be lessons to learn, but not today. Ask yourself what you  want the future to bring… if you  visualize it as clearly as possible, it will  happen.





Astrological Transit: Transiting Sun positive your N.Node


IN  TUNE WITH YOUR  FUTURE: Associate with those who can connect you  to your destiny. Fate steps in today and puts you  on  the right path to achieve inner goals.




  1. How important are meetings that take place today?


Answer: Involvement with groups or significant individuals is crucial … they can put you  on  track, in a direction which has consequences for  the future.


  1. Am I going in the right direction?


Answer: If you’ve been there, and done that, then turn to pastures new. You’ll know instinctively what belongs to the past, and what to the future.


  1. How can I make my life meaningful?


Answer: By having a sense of mission… your personal, unique path in life. People you  contact today can show you  the way to go.


Astrological Transit: Transiting Mars conjoins your Mercury


SPEAK YOUR  MIND: You’re on  overdrive today, but may cut corners. Take action to reach your destination, but don’t needlessly provoke, or there will  be quarrels.




  1. What can I expect on my travels today?


Answer: There could be disruption, but keep your head. Speak your mind but don’t lose your cool. It could be a question of more haste, less speed.


  1. What’s the best way to communicate today?


Answer: Assert your ideas. It’s no  use getting brushed off – make sure your point of view is heard, and carries the day. You can be blunt, but not rude.


  1. How can I deal with anger?


Answer: It’s no  use suppressing what’s on  your mind. State clearly and firmly what you  are thinking – before the pressure builds up and makes you  really irritated.





Advice for 11-05-2019


Astrological Transit: Transiting Mercury positive your Neptune


EXPRESS THE INEXPRESSIBLE: Spiritual knowledge brings compassion. In  sadness there is poetry. Feed your spirit through music, nature and sublime contact.




  1. Is it OK to embroider the truth?


Answer: What is truth? If you  can capture the imagination of others, and make their lives magic for  a moment, then there is some justification in creating a special version of reality.


  1. Shall I follow up on a genius idea?


Answer: Hold on. You can be convinced about almost anything today. If you  hear a great idea, give yourself a few days to consider whether it is practical or not.


  1. Where does wisdom lie?


Answer: ‘The truth that can be spoken is not the truth’. Beyond rational thought you  can sense a greater truth. Who needs words when swimming with whales and dolphins?



Astrological Transit: Transiting Mercury challenges your Pluto


INTERROGATION: What you  don’t know disturbs you. You anxiously uncover secrets. It seems that harmful information is buried somewhere. Avoid obsessing.




  1. Is someone keeping something secret from me?


Answer: There are always secrets, but today your paranoia is awakened. If you  dig up the whole of your garden, then what will  happen to the flowers? You have your secrets, let others have theirs.


  1. Why are my thoughts going round in circles?


Answer: You are accessing archetypal energy from within. Unless you  harness it positively to uncover psychological issues, it will  attach itself to, and channel itself through, your negativity.


  1. Should I ignore difficult communication issues?


Answer: No  – today is the time to put an end to gnawing problems that have been plaguing you  for some time. Diplomacy serves no  purpose – cut through to the core and remove problems by  the root.





Astrological Transit: Transiting Venus positive your Mercury


WORDS OF  LOVE: Whispered soft and true. Not only do  you  put your ideas across beautifully, you can also expect people to say nice things to you. Good fortune.




  1. What can I expect on my travels today?


Answer: Very pleasant encounters. Today you  should travel for  love, and travel for  profit – both areas are well starred. Give yourself extra time to enjoy the journey, and treat yourself on  the way, and when you  arrive.


  1. What kind of projects should I get involved with?


Answer: Get together with people you  like. Anything to do  with literature, creativity and ideas is favorable. It is easy to reach mutually beneficial agreements now.


  1. How can I best communicate with those closest to me?


Answer: Being complimentary makes your day happy and smooth. Put your reservations aside and express your latent love in words and deeds.



Astrological Transit: Transiting Venus positive your Venus


SHOWING YOUR  ASSETS: Being kind and diplomatic is the best way to smooth the path ahead. Tune in to your loving nature. Capitalize on  what makes you  loveable.




  1. Can I trust my judgment in relationships?


Answer: Any  relationship which is well functioning, receives a boost now. You can make it even better by  overtly showing your love. Buy  your loved one flowers.


  1. What’s good about me?


Answer: Today is about appreciating yourself. Your taste and judgment are unique. Love yourself for who you  are, and other people cannot fail  to love you  too.


  1. Can I cash in my assets?


Answer: Your material worth is peaking, so  you  could safely take profits now. At the same time this is a lucky period for  further investment. You can trust your judgment today.





Advice for 15-05-2019


Astrological Transit: Transiting Mars conjoins your Venus


TEMPTATION: Objects of desire transfix you. Whether it’s love, sex or material matters, how can you resist? Don’t blow amorous moves by  being coarse.




  1. If someone makes a pass at me, what should I do?


Answer: If you’re free at heart, then what are you  waiting for? You don’t always have to go  through all  the preliminaries. Don’t take offence if someone finds you  desirable.


  1. Should I take the initiative in a relationship?


Answer: Wait no  longer. Someone must take action. If your heart is on  fire, stop beating around the bush, and declare your passion. Platonic love has had its day.


  1. How can I cope with disruption in my love life?


Answer: Nature designed your body specifically for  this eventuality. Banish argument, reason and mental games – the bedroom’s the place to sort out your differences.


Astrological Transit: Transiting Venus positive your Uranus


UNUSUAL ASSETS: People on  the fringe bring inspiration. Spontaneous moves enhance romance. It’s your unique side that exerts an attractive influence.




  1. Should I stay in, or go out?


Answer: Get out! Meet exciting people from the fringe of society. Have an adventure. Give yourself a healthy shock. Don’t hesitate, just do  it!


  1. How can I keep my relationships healthy?


Answer: Give the other space, and give yourself space. Go out by  yourself, or with friends. Loving is not the same as owning. It’s all  about equality and freedom right now.


  1. What will others appreciate me most for today?


Answer: Show your truly original side. Don’t worry for  one moment what people may think of you. Do the things other people dare not and you  will  be loved for  it.





Astrological Transit: Transiting Mercury challenges your Moon


CONFUSED BY FEELINGS: Feelings overwhelm you… home and family are uppermost in your mind. If you’re smart, you’ll know what makes your unconscious tick.




  1. Should I tell people how I feel?


Answer: Only if you  can express yourself clearly and concisely – otherwise people will  feel you  are maudlin, or just rambling. It’s no  use saying the first thing that comes into your head.


  1. How can I handle my worries?


Answer: Thoughts come today, and are gone tomorrow. Worrying is just a reflex activity of the mind – it makes no  difference whatsoever. Kick  the habit!


  1. Is it OK to gossip sometimes?


Answer: People do  it, but it just muddies the mind. You may be tempted by  tongue-wagging today, but the same tongues may also wag about you  later.


Advice for 16-05-2019


Astrological Transit: Transiting Mars challenges your Uranus


DANGER MAN: If you  are provocative and contrary, you  invite trouble. Impatience and boredom lead to recklessness. Act  in haste and you’ll repent at leisure.




  1. How should I handle the unpredictable?


Answer: Sudden change can be completely beyond your control. Don’t try to find causes. Concentrate on  the new situation – there may be opportunities that you  never thought of.


  1. What will turn me on today?


Answer: Breaking the rules will  turn you  on. You can take a walk on  the wild side, do  what you mustn’t, be naughty – just be aware of the risks involved.


  1. Shall I insist on what I want?


Answer: You’ll make enemies. There is no  rhyme or reason to your desires today, and by  insisting on them you  will  alienate others. Still, sometimes it’s good to be bad.





Astrological Transit: Transiting Venus positive your Saturn


REAL  VALUE: It’s the lasting commitment that brings steady growth. Invest in solid resources. Keep expectations realistic. In  business or love – slow success.




  1. How can I make my career prosper?


Answer: You will  be appreciated for  your reliability and consistency. Don’t ask for  recognition – if you shoulder responsibility and organize efficiently, you  will  be rewarded.


  1. How can I make an impression on my loved one?


Answer: Gifts that appreciate in value over the long-term will  win you  love. Make a commitment now, and you  will  find that it will  last a long time.


  1. How can I win appreciation from others?


Answer: First of all,  be open to praise. Don’t be cool or defensive. Modesty has its place, but make sure you  don’t hide your true feelings and needs behind it.


Astrological Transit: Transiting Mercury conjoins your Jupiter


WISE WORDS: Think positively, and visualize how you  would like your future to be. The need to be right is very human, but for  others it’s no  fun to be wrong.




  1. How can I best improve my understanding today?


Answer: Absorb information, and unfold your antennae. Welcome the message and the messenger. Knowledge comes through contact and play, rather than hard work.


  1. Can I make my opinions count?


Answer: Today is a great day to get your message across. You are in touch with your deepest wisdom… the more you  spread it the more influence you  will  have.


  1. What is the potential for travel?


Answer: It’s great for  a longer journey, or to receive a traveler. Think about expanding your field of influence through communication.





Astrological Transit: Transiting Mercury positive your N.Node


THE GRAND DESIGN: Meeting people is part of your development. Friends need your special input, so  say what’s on  your mind. Messages come from across time.




  1. Should I get out and about or stay at home?


Answer: Do whatever promotes your learning best. It is however likely that chance encounters will bring you  some much-needed information.


  1. Should I vary my travel plans?


Answer: Maybe… you  can discover a new route that bypasses old  blockages. Entrust your fate to the ferryman, and you  can end up emerging into an exciting new environment.


  1. How can I best promote my intellectual development?


Answer: With respect for  your educational roots, and those who have helped you, build a bridge to new fields of intellectual endeavor, new people, and new subjects that are more in tune with your future.


Advice for 17-05-2019


Astrological Transit: Transiting Mars challenges your Saturn


WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH: …the tough get going. You can take a bruising today. Authority is questioned. Grit your teeth, resistance will  make you  stronger.




  1. What should I do if I hit a brick wall?


Answer: There are ladders, tunnels, doors. Obstacles are stepping-stones on  your path. If it were that easy, the goal would not be worthwhile. Stop, take a look – there IS  a way through.


  1. How should I handle run-ins with authority?


Answer: Don’t get mad or frustrated. There’s a reason for  the problem. Be  patient with authority and get to understand where they are coming from. Don’t kick against the pricks, or it will  hurt.


  1. How can I improve my performance?


Answer: Whether it’s sexual or professional… take your time. Don’t try to achieve results all  at once. Build things up a little at a time, then you  will  achieve your goal.





Advice for 19-05-2019


Astrological Transit: Transiting Venus positive your Mars


SEDUCTIVE CHARMS: Choose the path of least resistance. Use love to get what you  want. Your capacity to woo the opposite sex peaks now. Boy  meets girl, and…




  1. What should I channel my energy into today?


Answer: In  personal relationships, aim for  seduction. Enjoy your desires. In  business seek benefits from partnership.


  1. How forceful should I be?


Answer: You’ll get much further with gentleness and charm, than you  will  with aggression. Listen to those who come with the olive branch. Seek compromise.


  1. How can I get the most out of a relationship?


Answer: Don’t forget romance. Do something active, like dancing or working creatively together. Remember, lovemaking starts many hours before the act of sex.


Astrological Transit: Transiting Venus positive your Ascendant


PLEASURES IN  LIFE: Nice people let you  know that life  has its blessings. This evokes your loving side. Take time off together with a loved one and enjoy.




  1. How can I get my love life to blossom?


Answer: Express yourself. Social get-togethers make life  fun. Dancing and art is one option, travel another. Do something creative.


  1. Are appearances important?


Answer: Appearances can be crucial. Spend money on  your looks and work on  your personal style. Be irresistible.


  1. Will things go smoothly?


Answer: This is a time when people are well disposed towards you. The more friendly and charming you  are, the more others will  bless you.





Advice for 22-05-2019


Astrological Transit: Transiting Mercury conjoins your Midheaven


MAKE  YOUR  GOALS KNOWN: Communication is the key to success. Phone, write, travel, but make connections to important people. It’s not what you  know, but who.




  1. What should I do with business and career ideas?


Answer: It’s time to convert thoughts into action. Be  a communicator. A great period is beginning for business and commerce. Be  late home from the office.


  1. How seriously should I take information today?


Answer: All information needs to be checked out. If it passes the test you  could be on  to a good thing. Get together with others to discuss potentials.


  1. Can I manage by myself?


Answer: Only if you  have great secretarial ability or the best technological equipment. Otherwise use the resources of others who offer their help. A secretary is good.


Advice for 23-05-2019


Astrological Transit: Transiting Venus positive your Neptune


UNIVERSAL LOVE: Dreams of love come true – in the movies. It’s selfless compassion that benefits people most. Express your creativity and dedicate it to others.




  1. Can I meet true love today?


Answer: True love is found in Nature and amongst the divine. People are flawed. By all  means allow yourself to be enchanted, but don’t allow yourself to be fooled.


  1. Can love make me happy?


Answer: Where there is love, there is the knowledge that it cannot last forever, which can bring despondency. The love associated with wisdom and compassion brings happiness.


  1. What kind of work brings best results today?


Answer: Work with creativity and aesthetics, especially if this involves other people. Inspire them with your dreams and visions of a more ideal world.





Astrological Transit: Transiting Mars positive your Mars


ENJOY WHAT  YOU DO:  There’s fun to be had in physical excellence and meeting challenges. It’s great to be a winner, so  mobilize your competitive urges.




  1. How important is my sex life?


Answer: This is a peak time for  you. Use your seductive charms to celebrate your physical prowess. You can optimize performance.


  1. Is it OK to elbow my way ahead?


Answer: It’s not OK to let others elbow you  out. So  make sure you  know how to assert yourself in a healthy way. You have to push to get ahead.


  1. Should I be doing something with my body?


Answer: Some kind of physical exercise will  tone both body and mind right now. Do something competitive, or something that tones your survival abilities.


Astrological Transit: Transiting Mercury challenges your Mars


INDISCRETE UTTERANCES: If you’re aggressive you  will  awaken resistance. Expect to be provoked today, and keep cool. Say what’s on  your mind without being rude.




  1. Should I clear the air by expressing my anger?


Answer: You’d be making a mistake. Words can also be weapons, and today you  are likely to cause wounds. Express your thoughts rationally by  all  means, but don’t attack others.


  1. Should I try to compromise?


Answer: No, you  should fight for  your ideas, even if agreement is not possible today. Bare your teeth, then people will  realize you  are not a pushover. But don’t bite.


  1. How shall I deal with exasperation and provocation?


Answer: If you  can get through the day without blowing your cool at least once today, then give yourself a little reward. Keep aware, steer clear of trouble, and count to 10.





Astrological Transit: Transiting Mercury challenges your Ascendant


THOUGHTS UPSET BALANCE: Perhaps you  would enjoy a change of place or change in viewpoint, but this might require careful explanation in relation to others.




  1. Should I get out and about, even if this means upsetting others’ plans?


Answer: It’s good to get out of a rut, even if this means discussions and disagreement. What is important is that you  get out and seek mental stimulation.


  1. Is it a day to travel or stay at home?


Answer: Just as long as you  are active on  the phone or through other means of communication, you don’t need to travel. But it’s a good idea to have a change of scenery.


  1. Should the emphasis be on business or relationships?


Answer: It’s good to touch base in family relationships right now, but otherwise business should take priority over your personal life.


Advice for 24-05-2019


Astrological Transit: Transiting Sun conjoins your Midheaven


BE PROMINENT: Once a year you  will  be challenged to make a mission statement, and the time has now come. Don’t be afraid of claiming what is rightfully yours.




  1. Who’s the boss around here?


Answer: Well… you  want to be the boss right now. Don’t be afraid of asserting yourself… that’s what is required.


  1. Am I doing what I really want to do?


Answer: If you’re not, then this is the time to come out with exactly who you  see yourself to be, and exactly what you  want. You have the power to influence people in power now.


  1. What is the significance of influential people in my life?


Answer: You can safely place your respect in a mentor figure, if you  are not up to a leadership role. People above you  at work deserve your support and admiration.





Astrological Transit: Transiting Mars positive your Ascendant


CARVING A PATH: Take initiatives to make new moves along your chosen path. Friends and loved ones can be enrolled by  your enthusiasm. Be  spontaneous and strong.




  1. How can I best promote my cause?


Answer: Make your opinions heard by  recruiting people who share your views. Expand your sphere of influence by  travel, study and lobbying.


  1. Is it OK to be competitive?


Answer: Competition can sometimes be a celebration of life. When you  win, you  feel very alive. Make life  a sport.


  1. In what areas can I best express my energy today?


Answer: Give play priority. Go out and enjoy yourself. Fun, games, dance and seduction are all  areas in which you  can apply your talents.


Astrological Transit: Transiting Venus challenges your Pluto


PEARLS BEFORE SWINE: How far will  you  go  to avoid loss? Whether it’s love or business, don’t go over the line today. Set limits, and if necessary accept loss.




  1. To what extent should I go to preserve a relationship?


Answer: No  further. Don’t beg or crawl, as this makes matters worse. It’s the hidden psychological issues that bring you  to the edge. But don’t let your lover be your therapist.


  1. Should I continue pumping resources into a project?


Answer: Do not throw good money after bad. Cut your losses if necessary and put loss-making ventures firmly behind you.


  1. How can I deal with jealousy and fear of loss?


Answer: Therapists work wonders. Alternatively bring out the demons into the open. Talk about jealousy with your loved one, and it will  wilt and die.





Advice for 25-05-2019


Astrological Transit: Transiting Mercury conjoins your Sun


YOU THINK, THEREFORE YOU ARE:  You express yourself powerfully, but subjectively. It’s good to sell yourself, but first you  must know yourself.




  1. How important is what I hear today?


Answer: Messengers drop by  and give you  crucial information, which helps you  learn about and promote yourself. Keep your ears alert.


  1. Do I have something important to say?


Answer: It’s good to get your personal message across, but avoid getting led astray through useless gossip. Show your dignified side.


  1. How can I best proceed at work?


Answer: It’s time to share your ideas. Make trips to meet important people, grab the phone or send those important emails. It’s good to brainstorm.



Astrological Transit: Transiting Sun challenges your Mars


ASSERTION OR CONFLICT: If you  are looking for  trouble, you’ll get it. Don’t pick a fight with someone in a more powerful position! Impulsiveness has a price.




  1. Should I fight back or keep a low profile?


Answer: You have to put up a fight, but don’t overreact. You may be wrong. Use conflict to analyze your motives and gain insight into what values you  want to fight for.


  1. Is it wise to have a passive approach to challenges?


Answer: No, this is an active and dynamic day. Channel aggression into action, and don’t be afraid of asserting yourself, even if this means a certain element of conflict.


  1. Peace is better than war, right?


Answer: Not necessarily. It’s crucial to stand firm, and if attacked it helps to show your teeth. Cowardliness will  not gain respect, courage will.





Astrological Transit: Transiting Sun challenges your Ascendant


AUTHENTICITY OR COMPROMISE: The focus is on  you, but family and career needs are paramount. Your country needs you! But don’t blow it by  being selfish.




  1. How do I reconcile worldly demands with my need for personal growth?


Answer: It’s a question of balance.  You’ll never get away from life’s commitments, invest your prestige in doing your best, and personal growth comes automatically.


  1. What if my aims create tension in partnership?


Answer: You have to be true to yourself. Those who really value you, value you  for  who you  are. Partners must adjust to what’s important for  you  right now.


  1. How should I handle important meetings today?


Answer: You’ll need to assert yourself without being dominating. There is a tendency to project the full  force of your personality. This may work if combined with charm and nobility.



Astrological Transit: Transiting Venus challenges your Moon


DOMESTIC CHORES, ROMANTIC DREAMS: It’s difficult to be a mother and a movie star. Romantic needs rarely accord with home duties. Today you  make a choice.




  1. Shall I express my true feelings to those I love?


Answer: You may try to, but you  end up gushing platitudes. Your efforts to show love reveal dependency. If you  need mothering, call your parents.


  1. How can I reconcile romantic needs with domestic duties?


Answer: Take a break from domestic demands today. Arrange seduction over dinner. Get rid of the apron, and put on  your most irresistible clothes.


  1. Are there any risks in investing money today?


Answer: Unconscious issues color your judgment. There is a negative focus on  security. It is probably not the best time to spend on  family or property.





Astrological Transit: Transiting Sun conjoins your Sun


Everything today will  be significant and powerful. As the day is,  so  is the year. Be  as magnificent as possible… it’s your day.




  1. How should I proceed in the future?


Answer: Make new resolutions… this is your New Year.


  1. How authentic is my life?


Answer: Today of all  days, you  can be true to yourself. Walk the walk.


  1. What impact am I making on others?


Answer: The Sun is your star, just be yourself, and shine.


Astrological Transit: Transiting Mercury challenges your N.Node


MISSING THE POINT: People you  meet may lead you  off the path. There are those who stand for progress, and those who represent the way of the past.




  1. What characterizes contacts with others today?


Answer: There are a number of significant meetings, and they can force you  to ask questions about where you  are going and what you  are thinking. Follow the signposts to the future.


  1. What is the significance of messages from the past?


Answer: In  order to proceed, it may be necessary for  you  to re-familiarize yourself with someone or something from your past. This can be both of educational and spiritual merit.


  1. What criteria should I use for mental progress?


Answer: Sufi mystics are more fascinated by  what they don’t know or understand, than what they do. In  your search for  knowledge, investigate the unfamiliar rather than the familiar.





Advice for 31-05-2019


Astrological Transit: Transiting Venus conjoins your Jupiter


HAPPINESS: The horn of plenty overflows. Your love reaches out and envelops the world. You seek higher understanding in love and travel to get it. God is love.




  1. Should I look a gift horse in the mouth?


Answer: Ask  and you  will  receive. What comes your way now is the result of previous good efforts. Your job  is to receive what’s given and enjoy it as much as possible.


  1. What’s the potential for financial advancement today?


Answer: Opportunities for  riches abound. Profits are made with little effort and much pleasure. Cultivating generous people brings much better results than hard work today.


  1. Should I spend, spend, spend?


Answer: Spend by  all  means, but if you  spend too much, you’ll end up broke. Indulge, by  all  means, but if you  indulge too much you’ll be sick.


Astrological Transit: Transiting Mars challenges your Neptune


IN  THE MIRE: Only unselfish action has a chance of success. You stray off the straight and narrow. There is confusion, possibly subterfuge. Passivity pays off.




  1. Can I trust what’s going on?


Answer: If you  smell a rat, there’s a sewer around. Somewhere there is dirty business. Make sure your hands are clean.


  1. Should I give in to temptation?


Answer: Not today! Immorality has a subtle price. Words and actions are undermined in the struggle to keep up appearances.


  1. How can I express my sexual needs?


Answer: Routine or mechanical sex does not satisfy you. Forget about desire for  the body, and research the seductive recesses of the soul. You can bend a lot  of rules today.