What a wonderful feeling to be standing on the precipice of your fortune-infused new chapter!
And what a dream to have played even the smallest part in that chain of events!
I can’t get deep in the weeds of what I did to weave destiny into a new shape and form a new aura for you – because honestly, this is a psychic science that I think simply exists beyond words – but I can say this…
It took many hours and much mystic strength, but everything went very well, and I’ve now formed a Wealth-Attracting Aura MADE to fit your unique spiritual contours.
All you have to do is Download it…
I’m hoping my instructions will make your Aura Download process as straightforward as possible.
Please read through each step with care before you start carrying them out – that way, you’ll ensure you don’t make an error and have to restart.
(Also, please ideally memorize each of the whispered phrases before you start the Download. Reciting them from a prompt may reduce your connection to their true meaning – and therefore decrease their efficacy in this process.)
- Begin by working through a simple, mind-clearing process. Enter your bedroom, shut all the blinds/curtains and turn off any lights.
- Sit on the floor in the darkness, as close to the center of the space as possible. Choose a sitting position that feels comfortable and natural to you (for me, that would be something like the Lotus, a cross-legged yoga stance).
- Press your index fingers gently against their corresponding temples, and remain still and silent as you work to find your pulse in them. Breathe with your pulse for a few minutes when you find it. Avoid thoughts. Shake them away.
- Fingers still in place, take a deep breath in, then exhale any residual thoughts or stresses on the out-breath. Whisper: I open my spirit to the gifts of my mystic mentor. I open my heart to the help of my astral guardian.
- Bring your middle fingers up to join your index fingers at your temples. Lean as far down towards your own chest as you comfortably can, making yourself “small.” Whisper: I am prepared to download my Wealth-Attracting Aura.
- Work through another deep breath in and out. Whisper: As I expand, let this blessing surround my spiritual self.
- Slowly, gently, reach your fingers up from your temples and stretch your arms to full extension above your head.
- Stand up from your sitting position, planting your legs just further than shoulder-width apart. Bring your arms down from above and out to either side. Make yourself “big.”
- Settle into your new position, letting your breath settle and your mind re-empty. Then, whisper: Let particles of destined energy fuse to me with ease and speed. I download my Wealth-Attracting Aura.
- Stand still and silent in the darkness for a few more minutes. Let your words soak into the silence and permeate every possible space – including the spiritual realm.
- When you feel ready – it’s almost a sparkling feeling, like if you could see yourself, you’d be golden – turn on a light/open your curtains or blinds and reset the room to “normal” to officially bring the Download to a close.
There you have it, . That’s the Download process. When you’ve worked through these instructions, your Wealth-Attracting Aura will have officially descended on your spiritual form in the realm that exists beyond human sight.
It will remain in place for six gorgeous, transformative months.
And in your physical realm?
In your observable and actual life during that half-year?
You’ll see endless changes. Money will pour into your world from all directions. Chances you might’ve longed for a month ago will come to you with regularity. And I’ll be so, so pleased to watch it all unfold!
Alongside your new Aura, you’ll be ever further supported by your FREE Immediate Future Tarot Extended Breakdown
Card Number One: Representing Months 1 to 2 – THE MAGICIAN, UPRIGHT
The Magician (upright) defines your first two months with the Wealth-Attracting Aura – and .
Representing willpower, creativity and desire to change, this card tells us that as you regain financial freedom and gather wealth, your ability to shape your life and chase your goals will increase exponentially.
Suddenly, the motivation that had left you for so long will be returned – and then some. Idea generation will be easy. By the end of month 2, the path to your dream life will seem clear as day.
Card Number Two: Representing Months 3 to 4 – SIX OF PENTACLES, UPRIGHT
The Six of Pentacles (upright) represents the overarching themes of your middle two months with the Wealth-Attracting Aura – and .
This card symbolizes charity, generosity and a giving spirit. In this context, I think we must view it as a reminder. As a message from the tarot, telling you the following: Do not accumulate endlessly. Give when you can, and feel better and brighter for it.
One of the most complex transitions when moving from a poor financial situation to a situation of freedom and stability is the realization that you have “enough to spare.” Give yourself grace and patience as you get comfortable with that reality.
Card Number Three: Representing Months 5 to 6 – NINE OF CUPS, UPRIGHT
The Nine of Cups (upright) speaks to your life during the final two months with the Wealth-Attracting Aura – and .
Representing inner peace, luxurious comfort and financial freedom, the Nine of Cups clearly indicates that you’ll have reached an economic pinnacle by months 5 and 6. Suddenly, you’ll barely think about money – because you won’t need to.
Cherish that, enjoy your peace, and chase your passions. Know that you earned this, and know that you’re allowed to rest and breathe. You don’t have to continually pursue the next level, the next status, the next symbol of fortune. You can just be happy!
That concludes your Extended Breakdown. Now, having shared the Breakdown and the Download instructions, I’m confident I’ve given you everything you need.
We’ll speak again soon, .
Your loving friend,