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Ritual recipe three

Banishing negativity

Sadly, not everyone has a heart as kind as yours,        . And sometimes, events happen that are completely out of our control that make us feel down and unmotivated.

Even though you can’t stop them from happening, you do have control over the negative energies they leave behind. You do not need to let them linger and fester,        , as you may have done before.

You may like to perform this ritual if:

  • You are feeling down for no particular reason
  • There seems to be negative energy in your household
  • The negative energy of others, such as colleagues, is affecting you
  • You can sense someone is sending negative waves your way
  • You want to move on from an upsetting or difficult event

You will need just one item for this ritual: a black piece of fabric that you are happy to lose. It should be at least the size of a hand towel but can be made of any material you like. A t-shirt, dish towel, bed sheet, or even trash bag will do.

Here is what you must do:

  1. I’d like you to grab an item that represents the source of negativity in your life. Make sure it is not precious, as you will lose it. For example, if there is a particular person that is sending negative vibes your way, choose a picture or drawing of them. If you cannot put your finger on a particular reason or cause, use a piece of clear quartz. This perceptive crystal will help to absorb negativity, no matter where it is coming from.
  2. Place the item in the centre of your black fabric. I’d like you to fold it over the item in a very particular way, so listen carefully. First, fold in the top left and bottom right corners. If you need to weight them down, that’s fine. Next, fold the top right and bottom left corners in until they meet. Fold the sides in twice (as if you were trying to fold the material four ways vertically). You may also tie string or tape the parcel up if you’re having trouble getting it to stay folded.
  3. Now, take this small black parcel to somewhere it can be buried. Make sure it is off your own property. Using your hands or a trowel, dig up the earth and place the item under at least a few inches of soil. And once you have patted it down and the item is completely buried, say the following words:

“Recedemus a tergo. Esse abiit odio. Ego sum libero. Ego sum lux.”

That’s it,        . By burying the item, you are demonstrating to the universe that you do not claim this negativity in your life any longer. It may take a few days, but you will soon feel its effects!